Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Granddaughter Erin Salsa dancing with a young man in Hungary

Erin out sight seeing.    She will be returning late August and we can hardly wait to see all of her pictures and hear all about the places she has seen and hear all about the people she has met.   Her latest news is of her host, an American dad with three teenage children.   She and Donaleo are staying in a five bedroom penthouse in the center of Budapest.    I think we would all love to trade places for a day or two.  

Your laugh for today.    I wish the print was larger so you could read the words.   It tells of  a black outline of a fly in the basin in the men's room at the Amsterdam airport.  It is only natural that a man will aim at the fly and research shows that 80 percent do aim for the fly and gives a guy something to think about, and it does reduce spillage. A perfect example of process control and according tot he rest of the tale . . . 'and you thought a man couldn't be potty trained.'  I can just hear wives and mothers wondering how they can paint a fly in the toilet bowl.  See, we learn something new everyday.

Hump day, packing day for John.    He has a June birthday coming up so Pat and I will take him out to dinner, his choice.  Last night I broiled some lamb chops and they were delicious.   I cannot afford them at Freddy's but on our ride down to Eureka and Costco, I found a package of six that cost less than two chops at Freddy's.    Inflation in full bloom.     I tried a mixed noodle dish that turned out to be pretty tasty.    The new box has three different kinds of pasta and the recipe on the box was for a cold antipasto type salad.  I didn't have all the ingredients so I chose the best of the spices and made a broth and cooked the noodles in it.  A new jean dish.  I often use the expression. . . 'it is okay but. . .;  the 'but' tells the story as there was a need for something more , maybe a bit more of the ingredients written on the box, like salami and cheeses. 
John had gone for a ride to the Port, one more look at the wave action and stopped in at Slugs and Stones and picked up some ice cream for desert, a really delicious treat.  Yep, we are going to miss him but he has a life to live and places to go and things to do . . . he'll be back.    So today, count your blessings for family and friends who are like family.   Give them some of your time and share a tale or two.     Think about how time flies and how long it has been since you have had a hug or two.     Take time out and make a call , a verbal hug is second best but it holds us until we can get a real one.     I don't know what  a blog hug can do for you today, but consider yourself hugged.    Hugs to all.


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