Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Think, a hot, hot, summer day and you want something to cool you off . . . well all you have to do is cut up some watermelon (three cups cubed);  one frozen banana; two tablespoons of maple syrup (or agave if you prefer); the juice of two limes and 1/2 cup of water . . . . Yum . . . that Angie knows her stuff and had this recipe on her Facebook yesterday.  Thank Angie.

Marcia tells me there is no reason you have to spend big bucks for fabric softener when you can take 1/8 cup of fabric softener (like Downy April fresh) pour into a spray bottle, add two tablespoons of baking soda, hot tap water, lock the top and spray away.

I like this one.  I'll have to try it next time I set out to baking.   This brings the recipe right up where you can see it.  No, that is not me in the picture but close.

Now this is another scare as the article was about ground turkey and fecal bacteria....two that do not belong in the same breath.    A friend was down with food poisoning this week and it was not easy .   Our food chain has been on the line for a few years now and not improving.    The word organic was used in the article which means there is not quite as much fecal bacteria in the'better' quality . . . but there should be absolutely no bacteria in any of our food at any time organic or not.     Doesn't it seem strange that all of a sudden there is a huge organic market and the price is three times the 'normal' foods.   We have been had by the experts many times over the years but never at the cost of our health.   Like all political gains those in our food chair are playing 'the game' and we suffer the consequences.   Shop carefully, wash everything and beware of fecal bacteria.

Shut up I'm still talking photo has something to say . . . aren't we all a bit like this?   

Here we are with Hump Day in tow.    Son John is here, arrived last night and looks great.   He has already sorted his mail; has taken a walk around the yard and listened to my tales of woe.   I heard all about his tales of woe on all the decision making that he and Jo have had to make trying to revamp an old kitchen in a 'historical ediface' that need answers on converting 'old' space.  It made my complains seem so     I wish Bob and Andrea were visiting and hearing some of this tale as I am sure they would have an answer or two.  It isn't easy to do a remodel in a house built back in the 1800's.    The other news is that the connections in Athens are not as readily available as here in the States.  Erin finally got a few words through saying all was going well and she was fine.    Hopefully the traveling twosome will think about home and get here before long.    We are more than ready for their return but I doubt that they are and who can blame them for that.   I'd like to be traveling abroad seeing the sights and enjoying all the new and different foods, meeting new folks and having the time of my life.   Yep, can't be jealous without showing it.  How much alike we are in our wants and needs.  So today, enjoy May 1.

"Mayday Surprise"

The door bell rang
to my surprise
a lovely basket and flowers arrived
there is no card or name
this angel does not want fame

My heart is blue
I begin to cry
this angel knew
the reasons why

such compassion, so willing to share
a booklet of the Good Lord's word
Tea and cookies are the fare
lovely smells, a frame to use
a basket of delightful hues

The words I read and peace of mind
will certainly be mine
because this real live angel
has taken time
to show some love
some real compassion
and I am blessed more than I know
For this real live angel told me so
just by caring
just by sharing

Thank you Angel, whoever you are
I'll bet HE has given you a star.

I wrote that story poem after a surprise visit on a May Day many years ago when I was all alone and hurting.   A true friend took time out to surprise me with a special hug and let me know I was special even though I didn't think so.   

It only takes a good deed and a lot of love to show those you love how much you care.   Remembering that May First, called May Day, is a day to celebrate each other and surprises are always fun and good for us.   So maybe today you can take time to show someone how much you care.  Hang a small basket on their door, or a special card,  and leave the guessing as to who their angel is for the day.   I guarantee it will really make your day something truly wonderful.  Hugs to all.

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