Sunday, May 19, 2013


Erick the painter has an imagination that is fun, imagine sitting by an ocean and your feet are on the dock and the water starts to flow over it. . . would you sit with your paint brush or move on quickly...that's a lot of water.
Here is one with the road ending....hope we have a long straight road ahead.
A great idea . . . focus on the important issues in your life, store the others away for a rainy day and you can take them out and look them over before you throw them away for good.   Life is too short to waste on old unresolved or even unimportant events that have come and gone and are not worth the powder to blow them up with.    Capture the good times, and there are so many all of your own making.   And always you have another moment to change your attitude and make life worth while.  
How true . . . a lesson well learned over the years . . . think first, talk later, nod and smile and zip the lips . . . not bad advice.

Well here it is Sunday and my guest, Angie, has left for Truckee, California and back to work tomorrow after her two week sabbatical.   She has been on the road in her new car and it drives so smoothly and is so comfortable.   She drove down to San Diego and picked up her son Jason, a new Marine, who had orders to fly out of Seattle and on to Okinawa, Japan.   He is going to be one of the Marines who helps load and unload the men returning to the States and it cannot happen soon enough. I had to laugh as she said the only way she was going to get any of his time was to drive him to his destination and he would be a captive audience.  She had news that he arrived safely and met up with a few of his new buddies.    Now she can try and get used to the idea that her 'baby' has grown and flown the nest, a chore most mother's abhor.     It does take getting used to and the tears eventually dry up as the calls and letters come through about the wondrous adventures and new life this youngest of her brood has taken on.     I know just how she feels as I remember vividly the day son John joined the Navy and forgot to tell me as he walked out the door with two Navy men...when I ashed why he didn't say something earlier his remark was "you would cry"....well I did anyway.     All in all Angie and I had a really good time going to yard sales, eating fish and chips at the Hungry Clam, walking the beaches and going to the casino to play a bit.    We got the frame of the new puzzle which is going to be difficult with all the pieces of 'people'  and signs and things that go bump in the night.   A fun one that will take some time to get done.     We played scrabble and she won both games;  close but she did win...sulk, sulk . . .well, it is always best if the hostess loses, right?   Any excuse will  Angie left this morning and has to return to her job tomorrow.  She has lots of pictures in her IPOD . . .I think that is what it is called, has a phone, a camera and the fingers do the walking.      She is fun to have about and I hope she returns again soon.   One of the funny stories is that her son owns a big fat black cat who is now eight or nine years old and he was worried something might happen to him.  He said if anything did he would like her to take it to a taxidermist and have it stuffed....she was horrified and said no way;  that was his to do.   As we stopped at a yard sale she found a good sized black Halloween cat with a humped back and bought it. Yes, she is going to mail it to him with a can of cat food.....can't you see his face when he opens that 'care' package....ha.ha.....yep, something to make him smile.    So today think up a trick or two that will make someone you love smile.    It is good for them and for you to turn up the corners of your mouth, show a little teeth, a let out a big laugh or two.   One way to 'make your day' special. . . just like you.  Hugs to all.  

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