Saturday, June 1, 2013


When I was out celebrating my birthday, the margarita I had didn't look like this.  I wonder if a little grenadine was added, or maybe some cherry juice;   looks good enough to order one to sip on a hot summer afternoon.

Add a little pasta and there is no reason to complain.  Hope it gives you and idea for a late lunch or early dinner tonight.

"Newser" had this picture and a story by Kevin Spak with a caption :"Marijuana Coming to a Strip Mall near You?"  The president of Mexico thinks it is a good idea as Jaman Shively, former Microsoft manager, intends to build a national chain, "social small stores".  His company, Diego Pellicer will invest one hundred million in three years for these stores in Washington, California and Colorado where the folks voted for legal marijuana.  Diego intends to be "the most recognized brand in the industry that does not exist yet.   Shively made announcements along side a host of lawyers.    Talk about opening a can of worms.  

Granddaughter Erin sent this picture along on her Facebook page.   Looks like it may have been a visit to an art gallery or a restaurant.    Erin tells us that she has been accepted into the Peace Corps and will have six days to accept a position in Kenya in the deaf program.   If she accepts she will be off to a training program in December.   We, as a family, are very proud of her and admire her moxie and desire to bring life, love and laughter to those who cannot hear.    She is a prime example of what you can do when you have the passion and desire to make a difference.   Her mother and aunt are already having discussions about yard sales and ticket money to Africa.

Friend Helen called last evening and we  had a telephone visit.   I love those.    We were talking about the chores we have to still try to do and had a few belly laughs over how difficult it is, at this age, to try to accomplish something in a day when once upon a time we could start and finish a chore in an hour.  At least, we agreed, we can still do, maybe not as we used to but we can still get a job done.   We also agreed with this little saying I picked up in my travels "The things you used to care to do, you no longer care to do, but you really do care that you don't care to do them."
   I'm off to finish a weeding job in the back ditch area.    My 'new' yard man didn't show and called to say he ran into a problem and would come next week.  I told him I didn't think so.   It gets 'old hat' to wait all day for someone to come to do some work and then they call after five p.m. to tell you  . . . at least he did call and had it been a first time I would have been agreeable but I am still smarting over his last visit and a half done job.     I hear beggars cannot be choosers but I do not agree....I choose....I expect to pay for a job well done and maybe even a bonus;  but this unprofessional behavior is not acceptable . . . so on to find someone to trim the bushes I cannot reach . . . wonder if my little step ladder would work.   

So keep those muscles working.  Do not let them go without exercise every day.    Get up, keep moving, and when you get to my age you will not be saying, 'if I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself' . . . I know you are all exercising your thumbs, now get busy and exercise the rest of your body. . . and do it with a smile.    Hugs to all.

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