Sunday, June 23, 2013

Still on the Road to Port Orchard

This picture was taken out of the window of  the Mill Casino, second floor, bay side and the wind was blowing hard and the casino flag was standing out straight.

We are still in Oregon, driving up the coast highway 101 

there is a lot of yellow ground and of course weeds between the fields.

When you are whizzing buy the animals don't show in your

The rain wants to let loose but so far it has only threatened but the bails of hay are all wrapped in plastic and the cows don't seem to care whether it rains or not.

Still Oregon country side

we saw a lot of 'cut' areas  with only a few sparse tall one left at the top

I am beginning to notice traffic as  we have left the country two lane highway to the big commercial Highway Five

Oregon is known for its bridges and we were to see many in our travels north.
I hope to someday put my pictures from a moving car into a travel log booklet with story poem words to match the pictures.     It is amazing what kind of pictures the camera takes when the car is going a good fifty five miles or better.    I am always surprised at the outcome and enjoy them in spite of being told I do take 'faded or out of focus shots' . . . well at the risk of sounding boastful, I think  they come out pretty good.

So, now you have some of the trail up the highway towards Washington state and soon you will see more bridges.    Don't go away, I have some more pictures.  I'm off to find them.    Hugs to all.

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