Friday, May 31, 2013

Dancing Around

Donaleo leading the dancers.   Looks like good exercise to me.    And . . . we thought the jitter-bug was wild, um. . .  could be jealousy on my part as my feet just don't work those high jumps anymore.

It looks like the President is going down in history as a wanna-be king, or a 'mad' queen . . . time will tell. 

Wonder what else is in the Obama Care bill;    we are finding out something new every day.    Nancy and her 'sign the bill so we can see what's in it' should be the first to go, along with a few of the others who are retired on the job....aah, change, how badly we need it and not Obama change as that is being short changed.

It is Friday,  TGIF,  so many are saying that today as they head for a nice long two day sabbatical to nowhere.    Rest...relaxation....a cook out maybe?    The last day of May and although I traveled a bit, had such a fun time, the month of May seemed endless this year.   I am not sure why, but it seemed more like sixty days rather than thirty-one.    The message from John is that he had a very long middle seat ride and got back to Delaware tired and weary.    He has to go through the change in time again and hopefully today he will take advantage of  down time and do a lot of nothing.    The nest is empty again, but plans are in the offering for another visit, probably around holiday time.    I have a start on the next honey-do list and forgot to remind him of the nesting birds in the front of the house, up, under the eaves.   Now if they didn't leave their droppings on the front porch as they flew in and out, I wouldn't  bother them, but they insist on being messy so they have to go.     Maybe Mike will be here before long.   Pat came by and invited me to lunch.  Thursday lunch at the casino is a five dollar special and they serve the best hot turkey sandwich around.   One piece of bread and double cranberry sauce with large pieces of turkey with gravy...yum.   Pat dropped me off at the door then went to find a parking spot.   I walked into the casino and decided to put a few 'pennies' in one of my favorite machines, thinking I'd only give it one chance to pay off as I've been 'feeding' it when I visit and it has been swallowing every penny up .... I won a jackpot just as Pat was walking in the door.  I couldn't get her attention but she found me just in time for the pay out... yeah for my'd like to do that at least once a week but I'm afraid it doesn't work that way.  

I had a telephone hug yesterday, a verbal one, felt pretty good hearing from my nephew who lives in Georgia.     He has reached his mid seventies, which I find very hard to believe, and is finding out what "I used to" means.    He is an avid gardener and a builder and cannot move huge rocks around or climb a ladder anymore.    He doesn't like it . . . well, we who have reached the 'golden years' can sympathize and remind him to relax and enjoy what he can do and move on to new and better ways to spend his time.   Remember to enjoy doing what you can do in its own time frame.    Develop a sense of what is best for you.    As you age and the body starts to deny you some of the delights of hard work, it is slowly showing the way to peace and contentment.    Cycles . . . a good word and a time to recognize and enjoy the changes, the slowing down, the time to smell the roses and a time to settle for a slower and more peaceful existence.     Attitude is what makes you love or hate this time of life.     Loving is so much more peaceful as acceptance is the name of the game of life.    So enjoy what you have right now, don't be concerned about down the road as you will find your way soon enough.   It isn't all bad, fact it is a lot of 'more of the same' only at a slower pace.     Find time for YOU;   find time to smell the roses and don't be afraid to 'dance in the rain'.   Hugs to all. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Just to show what a tornado force can do.    Wild winds of nature throw about sticks and stones.

I have seen this fellow on television and he always has a funny quirk or two to share about our politicians.  

The lovely Lynn and two of her daughters and her son.  She does not know how to 'age' She is a delight, a lovely lady, a wonderful mother and a very happy grandmother.    How proud I am of her and her family.  

Andrea and Bob just got back from visiting their son Rob and his wife and two children.   Rob just changed his Facebook picture and it is a beauty.     He is about to move his family as he accepted a new job offer and excitement runs high in this family.  

Maxine strikes again . . . words we have heard a lot lately.

Thursday morning, May 30th, a month ending and a new one to begin.    Our weatherman tells us we are in for a week of heat and that, believe it or not, will be a welcome change.    It is coming in a bit late as John is leaving today and we never did get our beach walks in with all of the rain and cold we had.   We did have a few good days and we did get a lot done around the yard.    Our dinner at Pancho's was very tasty and I brought half of mine home for lunch today.    The plates were piled high and I could have shared mine and still had more than I needed.     A delicious margarita, a toast to my son who will not be here for his June birthday, so this way he gets to celebrate twice...nothing dumb about this guy!   So as the old adage goes . . .'all good things come to an end' . . . how true, but 'all good things do come back to celebrate all over again and I'll be ready.     I hope you are finding someone and something to celebrate today.    Bring a rose from your garden like the beautiful pink rose La Verne brought in yesterday that brightened up the room and me.     Marcia stopped by for coffee and found a couple of pieces in the puzzle which is a hard one as it is one of those mystery puzzles that has absolutely no match on the box cover.  There is no way to tell where or who is as the pieces defy the logic of the puzzle.  So put your tea pot or coffee pot on and leave the door unlocked and share a moment or two with a friend, it doesn't hurt at all. Hugs, aren't they wonderful and so good for you . . . Hey, I got a kiss from Russell yesterday after our read and a bit of conversation about his life.    Ninety-five is a good age and I almost have him talked into using a cane.  So you see, one is never to old to make a new friend, so do it. . . make at least one today.  Hugs to all.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Granddaughter Erin Salsa dancing with a young man in Hungary

Erin out sight seeing.    She will be returning late August and we can hardly wait to see all of her pictures and hear all about the places she has seen and hear all about the people she has met.   Her latest news is of her host, an American dad with three teenage children.   She and Donaleo are staying in a five bedroom penthouse in the center of Budapest.    I think we would all love to trade places for a day or two.  

Your laugh for today.    I wish the print was larger so you could read the words.   It tells of  a black outline of a fly in the basin in the men's room at the Amsterdam airport.  It is only natural that a man will aim at the fly and research shows that 80 percent do aim for the fly and gives a guy something to think about, and it does reduce spillage. A perfect example of process control and according tot he rest of the tale . . . 'and you thought a man couldn't be potty trained.'  I can just hear wives and mothers wondering how they can paint a fly in the toilet bowl.  See, we learn something new everyday.

Hump day, packing day for John.    He has a June birthday coming up so Pat and I will take him out to dinner, his choice.  Last night I broiled some lamb chops and they were delicious.   I cannot afford them at Freddy's but on our ride down to Eureka and Costco, I found a package of six that cost less than two chops at Freddy's.    Inflation in full bloom.     I tried a mixed noodle dish that turned out to be pretty tasty.    The new box has three different kinds of pasta and the recipe on the box was for a cold antipasto type salad.  I didn't have all the ingredients so I chose the best of the spices and made a broth and cooked the noodles in it.  A new jean dish.  I often use the expression. . . 'it is okay but. . .;  the 'but' tells the story as there was a need for something more , maybe a bit more of the ingredients written on the box, like salami and cheeses. 
John had gone for a ride to the Port, one more look at the wave action and stopped in at Slugs and Stones and picked up some ice cream for desert, a really delicious treat.  Yep, we are going to miss him but he has a life to live and places to go and things to do . . . he'll be back.    So today, count your blessings for family and friends who are like family.   Give them some of your time and share a tale or two.     Think about how time flies and how long it has been since you have had a hug or two.     Take time out and make a call , a verbal hug is second best but it holds us until we can get a real one.     I don't know what  a blog hug can do for you today, but consider yourself hugged.    Hugs to all.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

PoliticaL Humor

Great imagination;  Great Shot;   Titled "As It Should Be" . . . An honor that never goes out of style.

Maybe it was the Red Hat Ladies, now maybe they would join up with the tea party folks and add a few more 'crusty' dames to the play. . . I wouldn't want to fool around with those who have a mind for good times and good deeds.    

Makes me wonder if they will be knocking on doors.

Usually the Office of the President does bring about some physical changes in the man holding the position.   and I am supposing this one will do no different although he is starting from a very 'young' age.  You do have to hand it to the political cartoonists.  Such imaginations and such fun to see what they do with the current headlines.   

Son John and I rode over to Crescent City yesterday in a teeming rain.    The rivers are running high and the gray mists didn't move away.    It is still a bit chilly around here and the furnace is kicking in but then May is ending and June may bring about a change.    I had hoped for a couple of walks on the beach with my son before he leaves this week.   It has been such a joy to have him home for a short while.    He accomplished much and even took time to build Pat a few shelves in her old broom closet.  She  now has a pantry and is smiling as she fills the shelves.    She cooked up some shis-ka-bob's on the grill and a special Bulgar type salad which was delicious.    The chicken was marinated in some kind of a lemon rub which had a lot of flavor.    We had Key Lime Pie for desert with a cookie crust from Freddy's.  I didn't have time to bake but Marie Calendar does a great job.     We watched a Star War movie, which came out in 1990, introducing us to the young men who would eventually be the team we watched in the series for years.   It was well done and we enjoyed it.   Leonard Nemoy was in a few scenes playing Spock in future years. There is a new one out this year which should be fun to watch.    

Our new week begins and as usual there is much to do.    How lucky we are that we are able to have our lives in control.   I think of those folks who have been left with devastation and have to pick up the pieces of their lives and start all over.   The lost possessions are 'things' and can be replaced but not without a pang of a heavy heart as those 'things' were an important part of their every day living.     Until you have lost all of your possessions, trinkets, memorabilia, and all of the important documents that make your world go round, you can't even imagine what the word devastation means.   I've been down the road a couple of times in my lifetime and even though these 'things' seem important, it is the bonding and love that has the most meaning which will pull you through anything and everything.    So take a look at your 'ties' and make sure they are not knotted up.    Be big of heart and mend any and all broken is much to short to waste any of your seconds on 'things' it is the human hearts you love that are most important.    So go hug a few.    Hugs to all.  


Monday, May 27, 2013


The Memorial Weekend over and once again we all stood together and remembered each and every war hero as we watched the programs giving just due to the men and women of our armed forces .  Patriotism at its best as our hearts beat to the rhythm in memory of those we loved, and who never died in vain, but live on in our hearts forever.

See, a hug does it every time.    Remember that when the tears are close and a friend needs one.

Strawberries and cream a favorite desert , looks decadent doesn't it?   I still like mine over a hot biscuit out of the oven but if someone were to walk in the door with this parfait I wouldn't turn my nose up. . . nope, I'd pull out a chair, get a big spoon and dig in...who needs a little bowl?

If you want to make one up, buy an angel cake and pull it apart in chunks, then put a layer in the bowl, topped with strawberries that have been mashed up with a bit of sugar, and add the three cups of sugar free vanilla pudding that you have made up, cream or whip . . . layer and voila you have a delightful desert.   I think tablespoons work well.  Friend Marcia says a few blueberries wouldn't hurt a bit.

Monday, here we go again.   Rain and wind here this morning and yes, the furnace is back on.   I read something on the computer this morning in the news headlines about earthquakes in Arkansas;  thought they were famous for tornadoes.  I'll have to check with our Paula today and see how she and her family are doing
  There were a few weather experts on the television yesterday touting words of wisdom about the storm patterns and the expectations of bigger and more in our future.    Some due to the emissions we send up world wide and some due to nature and the patterns of a lifetime.    Weather is weather, whether we like it or not so we have to be prepared as best we can.     A good time to take lessons from the Red Cross or another like organization and learn how to take care of ourselves and each other when a big storm comes our way.     I am trying to think who has it the worst, those in tornado country;   hurricane country, earthquake country, tsunami areas . . . can't find one I prefer over the other as each one  has its own dangerous patterns and we have learned to live with them.   The pictures on television this week of the devastation in our mid western states is heartbreaking but we know we all will give a helping hand when and where we can, and we will, for we remember other like pictures of other storms that have devastated areas in our country and take pride in the resiliency and strength of each of our country men and women who pick up the pieces and get on making a new and better life for themselves.   So keep in mind," there but the grace of God, go I," and  donate what you can.     Remember what goes around, comes around, be it a helping hand, a smile, a hug or a kind word or deed . . . you are all such masters of the art of living, no wonder you are favorites of mine.     Hugs to all.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


Good Sunday morning.   Here it is Memorial Day Weekend and there is a lot of activity here in Brookings.   One of our neighbors had a huge yard sale and advertised so we got the idea to open the garage doors and see what would happen if we put out a sign or two.  We had one very busy day.   Our 'shop' looked great, the folks were in the mood for the type of items we had and a lot went out the door.    Such nice folks, visiting from other areas and had come for the activities.   Azalea Park is in full bloom so a lot of the folks head there.   The Garden Club had its annual sale of home grown plants and trees and the annual flower show.    We missed the Parade this year and the Library sale.   All in all it was a lovely day and a fun one.

Meanwhile I am waiting for my son John to make it easier for me to find and put my pictures back up on the blog.     I have a few new ones but they will stay where they are until I can find my way to show them.   Any change, no matter how small throws my brain off and it takes time to get used to the new.    Don't give up, I'll learn.

The new system seems to be faster.   A bit more complicated as it is a far cry from what I have been used to.     I am told change is good . . . now that is a matter of opinion!  Some changes are good, some great and some 'suck' as the expression goes.   Some things do not need to be changed while other need a big change . . . so it is all in the mind, the way we want things to be and how we want to make the changes . . . if we do.  Some of us like things they way they are but . . . that proverbial pain in the butt . . . sends changes our way whether we like it or not.    An attitude change is good.   A change in the weather is great.   A change in the pay check is better.    A change in our leadership in D. C. is needed.    AND a Change in our mindset is important.   Don't change the smile in your eyes.   Don't change the walk as you open up those arms for a hug.   Don't change your good habits, work on the bad ones . . . I know you don't have any;  me either.     Go, have a Sunday of rest and relaxation and get ready for your new week.      Hugs to all.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Memorial Day . . . which used to be called Declaration Day . . . whatever it is called, it is a day to remember and a day to declare special in honor of all of those who gave their lives in every war for liberty.

A few of the old posters from World War II.    We did get together, like we always do when there is trouble and the need to fight.   We are not and never have been cowards so hopefully we will see changes made to bolster our fighting men and women and help keep the safety of America always number one.     Times are changing so keep your eyes open and remember you have a change every November to help the change come along.  

Flags, marching bands, floats in all of our towns throughout the USA.....Memorial Day.....Make it a good one.  Get out there and clap and shout as your flag goes by.    Be proud you are an American.    Now get to work to be the best one you can be.   Remember to vote each election it is a privilege and an honor.     Keep your eye on what is on going all around you and try to make your neighborhood one of the very best.    It starts with each on of us . . . so be proud, be careful and be happy.
Yep, smile with your eyes, walk into a hug and sing out loud...."My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of  thee I sing....."    Hugs to all.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Rest Time

I smile when I think of how my children used to think thirty was old . . . wonder how they feel about it today.  The memory starts to play tricks as we age and sometimes we find ourselves in a revolving door when we do not remember where we put a particular item, but a sure cure is to go back out the door and voila your memory kicks back in . . .sneaky little devil trying to make you old before your time. . . just wait awhile it gets to be real funny like finding your glasses on your head after searching all over the house for them.
Best description of worrying I've read in some time.....a truth, as we sometimes borrow trouble.   So today make up your mind to create images that bring out the best in you
Scandals in the headlines;   closed doors and broken promises. a master of deception.  Empty promises and a sad plan for our country.    Let us all hope and pray that there is a definite end to all this pussy footing around and we get back to being the best, the kindest, and strongest America ever . . .  for so many have died to keep America alive and strong.  Think about that.

Well today is Friday and I can tell you are not unhappy about that.   Friday is a meaningful ending of a week of struggle to exist for many.   Weekends are time for relaxation and some folks have no idea what that means.    They continue on working as if there was no tomorrow and wonder why their health is not as it should be.     It takes a full commitment to become healthy, wealthy and wise. . . and, most of us work on it for a bit then fall back and wonder why we have not accomplished what we set out to do.   So today make a pact with yourself and set a goal to make you the best you can be.   Start with your diet and eat healthy;  go for a long walk at a leisurely pace and look up and down and all around and give your mind a rest.    Think of something you can do for another, something surprising and delightful that will give you all pleasure.   It doesn't have to be much more than a smile and a hug; or sharing a cup of coffee or tea, or even lemonade if the weather is warm enough.   Weekends are just for that with just a tiny bit of your seconds put aside to finish up a small project or cleaning job.    You deserve a rest time so take it and quit making excuses for not making a list and checking it twice giving you the respite you need and want.    Weekends are for rest, relaxation and fun . . oh well, if you have to rake or plant or mow, do it to a fast tune and get on with your rest and relaxation.     Hugs to all. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Short and Sweet

Erin and Donaleo are having the trip of a life time as you have been following their path.  This picture was taken in Greece with their host and hostess.    They are leaving Greece and have a few more stops then home.    We should see them by August;  it was to be July but you know how that goes. . . just one more peek at a new country on the way home.   They hope to make it to Paris and the Louvre;  England and the Changing of the Guard, then home and back to work.
Once Upon a Time we used this type of telephone and thought it was the best invention in  the world.   

It is Thursday, a beautiful sky out my window this morning.    A few scattered dark clouds passing us by and may drop a raindrop or two.   The sky is a soft baby blue with a tinge of color so we may see a bit of sunshine yet. As I sit and watch the colors are becoming vivid with hot pinks underling the purples in the clouds, some shaped like an eagle in flight . . . beautiful!  Take time out this morning and open your shades and see what is in your sky this morning.

   A good day for a shopping trip.  The groceries seem to disappear as fast as they are bought.    The cupboards are bare so off to make a list and find something for our dinner tonight.     Now if you were in the neighborhood and joining us for dinner I might splurge and buy some of those big luscious shrimp, a bit of white sauce and the skinny pasta . . . um . . . sounds good, maybe I'll buy it anyway. 

I read to Russell yesterday.  We are about half way through the book and we are both enjoying the tales in the letters of World War II family members telling about times in their lives they will never forget.    If you have not read any of the books Tom Bokow wrote, do take the time, you will not be sorry as you relieve the histories of those who served or a family member who gave so much in the big war, the war to end all wars, a time when the world was turned upside down.  When I arrived yesterday to read to Russell, I was told that he had been a bit down, so I read some but channeled his thoughts and words into talking more.   He is lonely for family and friends.   He seems to have little contact with his sons but his grandson seems to be the one who cares.   He misses being needed and useful, one of the drawbacks of becoming 'old'.    I suggested that I bring a pad and pen with me and we will start his family history for his grandson so he thought that was a fine idea.   We will see how it goes and maybe a walk down memory lane will boost his morale.    So, today, think of someone in your life who is becoming an octogenarian and feeling all alone and lonely.   Get out that IPOD and give them a call.  If you have time stop by and give them a hug, or make a date with them to take them to lunch and give them something to look forward to.    Remember, your day will come soon enough and whatever you sow you will reap.     An old saying, but a true one.   Start today, change your attitude, do a few good deeds, light a candle for those who are suffering and smile with your eyes and give someone special a hug they will never forget.    The sun is finally showing behind a big tree, playing peekaboo.  The sky has changed to a deeper blue, the clouds are white and a beautiful day is on its way for us to enjoy.   I hope your day is as beautiful as you.  Hugs to all. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Written Word

Soon we will have troops returning home , hopefully to a warm welcome, a big parade and a helping hand to get back to their normal way of life.    

It takes a special person to become a nurse.   It is far from an easy job both physically and emotionally.    They come in all shapes and sizes, some with a desire to truly help and a few who should be in another profession.    I have met some lovely ladies who truly care and they deserve a medal of honor for the work they do.

This article tells of the Israeli people who reacted to our huge storm a year or so ago and started to pack necessary items to send our way.    There was no big write up in our newspapers about the folks who came through but people do read letters to the editors of the local newspapers and keep up with what is going on in our world.     

A sign of the times.     We need a growing economy, work for our fellow man, and a change in the attitude of some folks who think you get something for nothing....I don't think so!  Living comes with a price tag all its own.

Hey, it's Hump Day, comes around so often you would think it was a holiday.     I like Hump Day, mid week, knowing that we are heading for a weekend to do what it is we want to do and usually this time of year it is yard work.    Our weather is 'unusual' a term used when it is not a sunshine day.  It is actually cold here in the house this morning and I am determined not to put the furnace back on.   The weatherman says snow in the higher elevations and maybe even lower for the next couple of days. . . it's May, and May is spring still and that means iffy weather on the coast.     I am not complaining as I just spent a few days up in the high desert country and found out how hot it gets and how dry.    I used to be 'used to it' but after several years of living by the sea in fog and mist, I find the heat and elevation not to my liking.     I have nothing to complain about after hearing and seeing the television pictures of the folks out in the mid west who are suffering untold agony after the tornadoes.     The destruction is heartbreaking for those who have lost everything near and dear to them.    The agony of losing so many children has to be the most sorrowful of all . . . unimaginable . . . and our prayers, our hearts go out to each and everyone of them.    So today, get out the check book and send a donation to the Red Cross who are first on the ground when these events occur.    Help will come to each and everyone of the folks who are searching through rubble and hoping to find a small picture or a tiny bit of what had been their uncomplicated lives.     How little we know as to what can happen to each of us in any given moment.     Think about that and know that today is a day to celebrate each of your 'given' seconds, so make sure you make the best of every one of them.     Yep, smiles through tears;    hugs to share;    kind words to say, a helping hand and smile when someone has the audacity to call you 'goody two shoes', as it is actually a badge of honor, one a lot of folks do not know how to earn.      Be a "good example" and lead the way.     Hugs to all.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Old Friends

An unusual picture of the dandelion before it changes to its prominent yellows.   If these grew in our yard and covered the grass, I do not think we would mind at all.     
This is the picture birthday card from granddaughter Erin from Greece.    The bear looks ferocious.  
Erin tells us it is very hot over there in Greece and she is ready to jump in the ocean and cool down.   I found this picture of the mountains unusual and had fun looking around for faces and figures.    I see a gorilla, a camel, a face and a bird in flight.  I am sure there are much more to find but that's it for today, your turn.
Aah, the voice . . . I'd have to fight the ladies to get a date with this fellow. . . Sam Elliott, no wonder I like cowboys.
Wish someone had shown me this a long time back then I wouldn't have wallowed in self pity every time I made a mistake.  Some folks delight in making one feel stupid, dumb or useless when a mistake happens and they have a feeling of superiority.    Mistakes are how we learn.   The more we make the smarter we are . . .I said so.    

I had company yesterday, a very old friend from way back came to visit with his significant other and we had a really lovely visit that ended much to soon.    They are on their way to dispose of many household items in their lives and are going to live on their huge sail boat and head out to Spain and then see all that they can see for a long time to come.    I have been invited to join them sometime later and visit for a month but I doubt I can travel that far anymore.   Maybe . . . time will tell.  Just think how exciting that is and I wish them God-speed and good health.     I hope you have an old friend stop in to visit.  It is so wonderful to revisit the old days and the good days when time, good fellowship, love and hugs were there for the asking.     The laughter prevails as old tales come to mind and you take the time to revisit forgotten memories that bring so much laughter into life one more time.  What a feeling of joy to have a visit from a friend you haven't seen in years only to find that time means little and it feels just like yesterday as you grin, hug, smile, laugh out loud and remember how precious friends really are.     So treat yourself to a friend today, old or new, and enjoy the camaraderie, the laughter , the hugs and the whispered words of I love you.  Bring some joy into your life as soon as you can, or go and visit an old friend and bring some joy into theirs.   Hugs to all.

Monday, May 20, 2013


I cannot imagine not having my children in my life.    My children have been my world for a very long time.   We have traveled a long road together and became close as the roads we traveled became bumpy and full of pitfalls.   We survived and travel peaceful roads filled with love and laughter.    

This is a fact.   How sad to think our government officials are not standing up and seeing that our current crop of veterans are receiving the medical aid they so justly deserve.     The cry is out from all kinds of outfits asking us to help the men and women coming back from the 'terror' wars and we  have no way of knowing which one is a true one that will see that the veterans are cared for.  They should not have to beg for assistance of any kind.   It seems that there has been remarks about them being a volunteer army.....they should pay taxes.....they should not expect aid upon their return to civilian life . . . well 'th'ey' should think again and know that without these veterans coming back from deployment there would be no army, no navy, no defense against our enemies and then what would 'they' be saying.....I bet they would go begging!    

We should have this one on the refrigerator door . . . what is that old adage?   "Pataience is a virtue, possess it if you can, seldom in a woman, never in a man."    Wonder who thought that one up?     I know a few patient men . . . mnot many, but a few.     I know a lot of impatient women . . . all because of a man . . . and that could be said both!!

Son John has been trying to set up a lap top that daughter Chrstine was generous and left for me to use.   It seems my old computer had become an octogenarian like me and didn't want to move any faster than it had to.    The slowness was  a learning lesson of patience.   The new computer is a dream, much faster and I get to play scrabble without getting thrown out a dozen times.  I had visions of enjoying this new little lap top until I found I am a 'guest' and not privy to some of the set up that is Christine's alone.    I will need an a-b-c- note path to follow in order to get on the blog.    Just getting to the pictures takes half the morning . . . we'll just have to see what develops especially when son John leaves and I have to try to figure out how to turn the computer on.    Time to take notes a, b and c.   Time will tell.

We start a new week and the sun is shining this morning.  It is going to be a good day to finish up with the clippings and getting them bagged and ready for the dump.     Today may be the day to water and make sure everything gets a good soaking as the ground is very hard.    I'd like to be able to turn th esoil and use a pitch fork but my one attempt was like pushing a fork into an over cooked piece of mat that had turned to lead.   Angie left yesterday and made it home as she had to return to work today.    It will probably take a day or two to get back into the work mode, but she is a pro and will do just fine.    If you are checking out my Facebook page you will see her comments. 

I have to tell you that Pat and I joined Marcia and went to a special tea.   The group of ladies put on a special tea each year to make money for the education of young women.   There were four recipients there yesterday telling of thier accomplishments and how grateful they are for the opportunity to go on to higher education.  One is going to be a doctor.  The ladies were dressed to the 'nines' and some wore elaborate hats with sales tags on them.    The tables wer decorated with beautiful white tea pots that were filled with real flowers and all for sale.   Beside each plate was a lovely tea cup filled with candies and a gift for us to take home.     The first event was a raffle of a quilt and daughter Patricia won it...It is beautiful and she handed it to me. It's on my bed now and so beautiful as it is shades of green and gold with peacocks.    Her name is on it, so she will have it in the future, meanwhile I am going to enjoy it.     We all tried the silent auction and there was so many wonderful baskets to bid on.   I did get the bottle of wine in a holder but it wasn't wine, a cider I think.   I  gave it to Pat as a thank you for the quilt. . . smile.....not an even exchange by a long shot.   All in all the table trays were filled with every delightful finger sandwich you could mention, and the tiny deserts were lucious.    All in all, it was a lovely affair and it was nice to see the ladies all decked out in their fancy dresses and hats.   So, if you hear of a special tea in your area, don't hestitate to go and partake of all the goodies and maybe you might win the bid on something special at the silent auction.  The room was filled with ladies with smiles on their faces, and I saw many a hug exchanged.   I got a couple of those.  So today give a hug or two to a family member or a special friend, or a stranger or two, make their day a happy one as you make yourself a happy camper as well.     The seconds are ticking away so don't waste them.  Hugs to all.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Erick the painter has an imagination that is fun, imagine sitting by an ocean and your feet are on the dock and the water starts to flow over it. . . would you sit with your paint brush or move on quickly...that's a lot of water.
Here is one with the road ending....hope we have a long straight road ahead.
A great idea . . . focus on the important issues in your life, store the others away for a rainy day and you can take them out and look them over before you throw them away for good.   Life is too short to waste on old unresolved or even unimportant events that have come and gone and are not worth the powder to blow them up with.    Capture the good times, and there are so many all of your own making.   And always you have another moment to change your attitude and make life worth while.  
How true . . . a lesson well learned over the years . . . think first, talk later, nod and smile and zip the lips . . . not bad advice.

Well here it is Sunday and my guest, Angie, has left for Truckee, California and back to work tomorrow after her two week sabbatical.   She has been on the road in her new car and it drives so smoothly and is so comfortable.   She drove down to San Diego and picked up her son Jason, a new Marine, who had orders to fly out of Seattle and on to Okinawa, Japan.   He is going to be one of the Marines who helps load and unload the men returning to the States and it cannot happen soon enough. I had to laugh as she said the only way she was going to get any of his time was to drive him to his destination and he would be a captive audience.  She had news that he arrived safely and met up with a few of his new buddies.    Now she can try and get used to the idea that her 'baby' has grown and flown the nest, a chore most mother's abhor.     It does take getting used to and the tears eventually dry up as the calls and letters come through about the wondrous adventures and new life this youngest of her brood has taken on.     I know just how she feels as I remember vividly the day son John joined the Navy and forgot to tell me as he walked out the door with two Navy men...when I ashed why he didn't say something earlier his remark was "you would cry"....well I did anyway.     All in all Angie and I had a really good time going to yard sales, eating fish and chips at the Hungry Clam, walking the beaches and going to the casino to play a bit.    We got the frame of the new puzzle which is going to be difficult with all the pieces of 'people'  and signs and things that go bump in the night.   A fun one that will take some time to get done.     We played scrabble and she won both games;  close but she did win...sulk, sulk . . .well, it is always best if the hostess loses, right?   Any excuse will  Angie left this morning and has to return to her job tomorrow.  She has lots of pictures in her IPOD . . .I think that is what it is called, has a phone, a camera and the fingers do the walking.      She is fun to have about and I hope she returns again soon.   One of the funny stories is that her son owns a big fat black cat who is now eight or nine years old and he was worried something might happen to him.  He said if anything did he would like her to take it to a taxidermist and have it stuffed....she was horrified and said no way;  that was his to do.   As we stopped at a yard sale she found a good sized black Halloween cat with a humped back and bought it. Yes, she is going to mail it to him with a can of cat food.....can't you see his face when he opens that 'care' package....ha.ha.....yep, something to make him smile.    So today think up a trick or two that will make someone you love smile.    It is good for them and for you to turn up the corners of your mouth, show a little teeth, a let out a big laugh or two.   One way to 'make your day' special. . . just like you.  Hugs to all.  

Saturday, May 18, 2013


There are words for those who walk among us with cameras very early in the morning and not nice ones....It was Mother's Day and the puzzle had to be finished.  A second time around for Pat and I as we had done this puzzle earlier in the year.  Daughter Christine seemed to think it was fun to do and she's good at it.  Some one stole John's original copy of Bev Dolittle painting so we got the bright idea to redo the puzzle and glue it and  John framed it.  It now has a place on his office wall.

A masterpiece, a very difficult puzzle with the rocks and snow but it looks great on John's office wall.

The bears are back in Brooking for the summer months.   I understand the owners will leave one behind this year so we can all enjoy it.   Wonder which one.  Guess we will find out by the end of summer.

The Alaska town folks of Newtok, which is 480 miles west of Anchorage, Alaska is about to become known as "the First Climate Change Refugees" as the people have to be evacuated and moved on to safer quarters.   The town is being washed into the Bering Sea as the Nenglick River flows past the north side on its way to the sea.   100 feet of shoreline is gone from melting permafrost.

I have company this morning, Angie is here, and what a delight.   She looks great although her heart is a bit heavy after seeing her son Jason off to his first deployment to Okinawa.    It is hard to let go of your youngest, but the day comes so much sooner than you expect.     He left from the Seattle airport so she had quite a drive and took advantage of her free time and stopped to visit with friends on the way home.   A boon for me as I do not get to see her as often as I would like.   She was ready for a walk on the beach even in the misty rain drops.     I started a new puzzle, which daughter Patricia gave me for my birthday, and it is going to be a doozy.   It is filled with people and things and the cover of the box tells me that the puzzle is not like the picture on the box cover, but a mystery of changes.   Well the last one we did like that was fun, so hopefully this one will be the same.   It was very difficult getting the frame done, now on to the innards.  Angie gave it a good try and found the pieces of frame I didn't see when I was plowing through the thousand pieces.     We will take a beach walk again today and enjoy a trip around to visit the bears and have fish and chips at the Port.    When you have friends stop in the weather is unimportant, rain or shine the seconds are to be shared and enjoyed.    I hope someone surprises you and drops by today and gives you reasons to smile.     Get the hugs ready and remember three little words . . . I love you . . . how they make the heart soar.     Hugs to all.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Catching up with Erin

Erick the artist does some really strange and wondrous work.   It reminds me it is time to pull my travel roads out and off for awhile and pick up on some of Erin and Donaleo's travels in Greece.

Here is Erin showing us a bit of the coast of Greece.   She looks great and is having the time of her life.   

She went for a dip in the ocean.   

I'd say the two of them look like they are enjoying life and travel.    We can't be a little bit jealous without showing it as we would all like to be tagging along enjoying the sights and sounds.   They have a list of places to see before they leave for home sometime around the end of July.     They will say farewell to all of the new friends they made and will have to fall back into that working mode.

This reminded me of Erin when she was this age.  There was an attachment that came in yesterday talking about falling asleep at the drop of a hat.     After Erin returns from her travels she might just repeat falling asleep standing up until she gets used to the change of time and pace.

This was cute, wonder how it stays in place, one turn and ouch!

It is Friday, all day, a weekend coming up for us to enjoy.    Daughter Christine has returned to her home and arrived safe and sound.  She was a bit tired but happy to be in her own home.   We will miss her until she returns and luckily it will be in June so I don't have long to wait to enjoy some of her time.    Son John is back on the honey-do list and is tall enough for me to have him remove all those lovely glass vases from the top of the cupboards so I can wash them and make them shine and be even more beautiful.  I don't know about you, but I love glass pieces from vases to dishes and enjoy the sense of shape and colors.      The sun shines through the windows and catches the color and I have rainbows inside.     The outside is colorful right now as the rhodys are in bloom.  There are deep purple, pink and red ones that are huge in size.    We have some showers going and it is cool, an Oregon day.     I hope that each of you have a wonderful weekend enjoying the weather, the ambiance of your home and the folks who surround you with a little of the love you have shared all week.     If you have been to busy, then get busy. . . and make up for lost smiles and hugs, one can never have to many.     Share YOU today and  don't be surprised when someone special tells you how wonderful you really are.   Hugs to all.