Thursday, June 27, 2013


You may have seen this cartoon before;   it is one of those do as I say not as I do.  Although my doctor is fit and thin and practices what he preaches.    He is for moderation, the key to success if we would only practice it on a daily basis.

Marge sent some new ideas and this one seems to have merit.  Green grapes for white wine and I bet red grapes would look good in the red wines.   Wonder what the grapes would taste like.   Shall we try?

I don't think I would want to waste my chips for kindling;   I would much rather eat them.

Now this is a good idea, neat too.

It is Thursday, the 27th of June;  the month almost gone.   I don't know about you but my June went by fast as I got in a little road travel and enjoyed a little time away from home.     It feels good to be back and settled in .  The grocery shopping done and it took me a good hour to clean and chop up my fresh vegetables and fruits which makes it much easier to fix meals.   I think the foods keep better and longer too.  I had a vegetable dinner last evening;  a baked sweet potato with a little honey and cinnamon, a few stalks of asparagus; some cauliflower buds and broccoli which was delicious and hopefully non fattening as I added a few pounds with all my fancy eating out as we wined and dined up the coastal highways.  I am trying to ignore those brownies I bought before I left on the trip.   I don't know what I was thinking, but you can be sure it wasn't my girlish figure.    I have an empty dish to return to my neighbor who brought over some custard pie before I left;   so I'll return the dish with some brownies...voila, an easy way to get rid of temptation.   I wonder why sugar is such a temptation when we know it packs on the pounds and the experts tell us it is poison to our system.     Sugar is blamed for a lot of weight gain, but it is in the over eating that creates the problem and the way our bodies react to it.    I once had a doctor tell me some sixty years ago that you don't cut out but you cut down on sugar, starch and fats as our body needs a bit of everything nutritious to stay healthy so how come I didn't follow his advice?  I thought I did, he just didn't mention portions!

So today think about spending some of your precious seconds fixing your fruits and vegetables in their special containers and be ready to fix a healthy meal.  In the long run it takes the work out of preparation.   Don't forget to fill you muffin tin with all the tasty tidbits to go on your hot dogs and hamburgers as you celebrate the Fourth of July which is coming up very soon.     Practice being a good scout and be prepared.   Invite family members and friends to join you as they come with a favorite dish and practice relaxation , meditation and peaceful thoughts as June leaves and July begins.   Hugs to all. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


A special board for the kitchen counter which does a special job of keeping your recipe handy as you cut up your vegies and fruits .  I'd like to see one and see it in action.

I guess you are in good hands when you sit on this sofa.

Now where was this stove when I was young with a growing family, friends dropping by and needed more than two cooking shelves.   How much easier it would have been to put on a big turkey dinner with all this space.

I was looking a some peaches at the market yesterday but they stayed there as the price is ridiculous.

Here it is Hump Day, Wednesday all day and it seems to come around very quickly for some but drags for others.   Time in each of our lives has its own way of passing as it moves swiftly for some and drags for others.   The old adage of 'what you put into your lives is what you get out of it' leads to attitude . . . yep, attitude . . . so if you are taking good care of yourself, eating right, exercising, extending the hand of friendship, giving of yourself without expectation of reward, then you have a tremendous attitude to live today.   On the other hand if you woke up grumbling, finding fault with everything and anything, then know you are going to have a 'bad' day, and endless round of downs .  The choice is yours.    Work at being 'goody-two-shoes' and challenge your family and friends to be a 'copy-cat' and watch a miracle happen.     You are a miracle in disguise, so it is time to take of the blinders and shine.  How to start . . . easy . . . put a smile on your face as you reach out and touch someone today.   Hugs to all.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

New Ideas

How about an all wood tub;  sure is a beauty.  It looks a bit slippery to me, probably could get in but doubt I could get out again.

Hey John, a great idea for your office closet, no ocean view but I'm sue we could find a picture and make do.  

Looks like the artisans have been very busy.

Now here is an excellent idea for the holidays and gift giving.  

Moon, what moon, stormy weather. . . well hope all of you that did see it enjoyed the view.

This certainly looks like a good place to visit but I wonder what it is like in a huge storm.  

It is always fun to chase new ideas but some are very fattening or a bit daunting, or more expensive than one wants to put out in pocket.    It is Tuesday, all day, another stormy day and I have a check up to go to; semi annual now as I age.   All I have to do is convince the doctor that I am like a bottle of good wine and age to perfection.  My blood tests results stayed the same as last visit so I guess I'm good to age a bit more. 
The furnace is back on as the storms come in cold and dark and the ocean comes alive with big waves.   We only have another day or two and then have been promised heat and sunshine and I can turn it off again.   The blessing of storms is that no watering has to be done in the gardens, but it also means the new fellow, Rocky, may not show up although I have high hopes he will when the weather changes.    A new man to do some yard work, sure hope he comes back and is able to fit me into his schedule.    The hedge seems to be growing taller by the minute.   
I hope your today is filled with sunshine and you finish up your projects and find a little time for yourself before the day is over.     A little quiet time never hurt anyone I know of.    I'd say a break makes for new energy and the renewed strength brings on a feeling of accomplishment which each one needs to keep up your self worth.    When you are pleased with yourself then you make your life bright and beautiful, just like you.    Smile with your eyes and give some one special a hug today.    Time marches on, so stay in step and march right along with it.     Hugs to all.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Oregon is noted for its bridges and we crossed quite a few.  

Each bridge is different and are all sizes and shapes.   All seem to be in good shape . 
I tried to capture the fog as most of our trip home in a rain storm .
A piece of the new bridge they have been working on for a year.   There is a traffic light stop so you wait for your turn to cross by the equipment and the one way opening.
The rain made patterns on the wind shield and this one was really something to see as it looked like a row of tiny fishes.    As you can see the ride home was a wet one but each mile brought us closer to home.  It is really nice to go and see what is out there when you have the opportunity . . . but after a long wet road trip it is so nice to be home, inside and looking out at the rain.

I took over fifty pictures and most are views you have seen before.    Patricia and I have taken the road north many times and each time we have taken the pictures along the coast and have shown them.   Both Oregon and Washington are similar in the flora and fauna.   There are miles of forest land and many areas where the trees have been cut down and look barren and sad, but soon you come to an area where the reforestation has taken place and the new trees are thriving and it makes your heart sing.   The wild flowers are many, just weeds that have grown into beautiful bushes, some wild lupine reminding me of our Minnie Mouse who strived for years trying to grow lupine in her garden and was finally successful and so proud of herself.    The California poppies are plentiful and so colorful.    There are areas where the gorse has taken over and the beginnings of more to come, but the color is lovely and it is a shame that this plant is evasive.

Our travels took us from two lane country roads to the big route Five which I told you about earlier.   I enjoy the slower and rural roads the most as you have a chance to see all of the wonders of nature.   There are areas where there are sloughs which are strange looking areas of mud, water and inlets to bigger and more scenic rivers.   Some look like lakes  and huge of size.     We were always happy when it was time to stop and get the use of our land legs.    Of course it was always where there was a great restaurant with food you just could not pass up.    We filled up the car and us and being filled to the brim we had no room for desert but that didn't stop us from buying a whole lemon pie to take home with us.   We met so many nice folks on the road and there was always one gentleman to open doors for us.    Smiling eyes and friendship is right there  when you let the light shine through.     At one stop run by a man from Korea who was young and friendly and gave me a gift of a burrito type sandwich his wife makes.  He held my hands and asked how old I was and told of how his wife misses her mother and calls her on the telephone just to tell her how much she is missed and loved.     How they revere the old, maybe we could all learn lessons from that.    So many nice people who took time to open doors and share a smile.  

We arrived at Christine's home and saw the gnome garden in all its splendor .  Steve is a great gardener with lots of imagination and he did a wonderful fairy like garden under a big tree in her driveway.   I didn't get a picture but will ask Christine to send one so you can see it too.     There are broken shads of flower pots with plants growing from them;   little gnomes reading and the whole scene is one of peace and contentment just like we find in our garden areas when we have time to relax and enjoy.   I did get to the Tea Room, one of my favorite places to go and had the usual special of a cup of soup, a half sandwich and a luscious piece of pie.    The gift shop is lovely and the Madam Alexander dolls were on a special half price sale.  The temptation was there but I didn't buy one as I have no little girls in my life to share a doll with.    I thought to buy one for my girls but that could have gotten me into trouble . . . smile.    All in all it was a short hard trip but well worth it.     Christine is home safely, we are back and relaxed and ready to get into our own routine once more.     A busy week is in store with all the usual catch up things to do.   I hope you have caught up with you and are enjoying the beginning of your new week.    I do hope you have vacation time coming up and can make a road trip short or long and enjoy every minute of it.    Vacations are  a boon to good health.    So work on having a vacation soon.    Don't forget to reach out with a smile in your eyes and a lot of love in your heart and let the other guy have a chance to reciprocate.     Hugs to all. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Still on the Road to Port Orchard

This picture was taken out of the window of  the Mill Casino, second floor, bay side and the wind was blowing hard and the casino flag was standing out straight.

We are still in Oregon, driving up the coast highway 101 

there is a lot of yellow ground and of course weeds between the fields.

When you are whizzing buy the animals don't show in your

The rain wants to let loose but so far it has only threatened but the bails of hay are all wrapped in plastic and the cows don't seem to care whether it rains or not.

Still Oregon country side

we saw a lot of 'cut' areas  with only a few sparse tall one left at the top

I am beginning to notice traffic as  we have left the country two lane highway to the big commercial Highway Five

Oregon is known for its bridges and we were to see many in our travels north.
I hope to someday put my pictures from a moving car into a travel log booklet with story poem words to match the pictures.     It is amazing what kind of pictures the camera takes when the car is going a good fifty five miles or better.    I am always surprised at the outcome and enjoy them in spite of being told I do take 'faded or out of focus shots' . . . well at the risk of sounding boastful, I think  they come out pretty good.

So, now you have some of the trail up the highway towards Washington state and soon you will see more bridges.    Don't go away, I have some more pictures.  I'm off to find them.    Hugs to all.

Bandon Stop

The board walk at Bandon with all kinds of art objects.

The totem pole, really well done.

I am sure this is a bench but who would dare sit on it?

A gentleman casting off ready for a boat ride.

Bandon  bridge to the marina.

I think this is a turtle but if so it is a first I've seen with a long neck;  maybe those I have seen were hiding out.

It was delightful to see a place where children can enjoy a bite to eat.

This fellow seems to be guarding the doorway into the shop.

Daughters Christine and Patricia wondering when that mother of theirs is going to put her camera away;  time to go, come on mom let's go...can't you hear them?    I did!! 
Our very first stop was in Gold Beach where the big book store is and the inside bakery with the homemade scones with berries or peaches; or the big , rather huge, sticky buns and all other sweet items to numerous to mention;  only the favorites were chosen and devoured;   and of course the ladies had to have lattes and my mug of coffee...yum. . . what a way to start a day.   We traded bites and enjoyed our selections.  Of course all that sugar kept us from being hungry so there was no food stop until lunch time.   We rode up Route 101 and made it to Coos Bay and the Mill Casino.  Our bay side room was ready , that free one that pulled us to the casino and you know, it had not changed one bit since our last visit.   I did notice when the room is free it is also at the very end of the corridor which seems miles away when you are carrying luggage.    My daughters lost no time going for a swim and lollygagging in the hot tub while I headed for the keno machine.    A walk around the casino turned out to be interesting as they have added so many new machines.   Each one is classified a penny machine but don't let that fool you as the keys start at eighty cents and work up to five dollars these days.    We may be living in hard times but from the traffic on the road and the folks playing at the machines, it does make you wonder.  We met up in our room and decided on room service and had a delicious pizza, a glass of wine and a peppermint for our sweet tooth.   Ah, bed, time to sleep for a week . . . but oh no, we were off by six thirty when our favorite restaurant opened and we had breakfast and then started the trek up to Port Orchard which I wrote about the other day.  Remember Route Five and the immense traffic  . . . I do!!

So now you have a glimpse of Bandon by the Sea.   One of our favorite places to visit and one day, soon I hope, we will go up there and spend a whole day just enjoying the shops, especially the gallery and the huge glass shop.    It is a stop that one never tires of  even though the huge cheese factory and the big antique mall closed.     Hopefully summer visitors will bring back some of the businesses.  

I'm off to find some more of my photographs to write more about our trip.     I missed writing the blog because it is a daily hug I enjoy and you know that it works both ways.   Hugs to all.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Musing about a Good Morning

Dear Friends.

Good morning and it is a good sunshine morning here in Port Orchard,, Washington.    We left Brookings, Oregon at seven thirty a.m.  Wednesday morning and traveled to Coos Bay, which is about a two and  half hour drive .   Pat had her car checked at the dealer and it proved to be a good stop with nothing wrong with the car after our battery mishap at the Port a few days earlier.  Our stop at the Mill Casino was fun and we found a lot of brand new machines to try.   I am sorry I cannot report a big win, but that 'free' from was paid for twice

We stopped at our favorite restaurant for breakfast where the service is excellent and the food always great.  The weather had changed from clear to overcast and before the day was over we had driven in to some strange and eerie rain storms.     Driving up the highway, route five, was far from an easy ride as the huge trucks and heavy traffic never let up for a minute.  

Christine is an excellent  driver and stayed calm,cool and collected as she rode in and out of these heavy duty squalls, while I offered up allot of prayers for our safety.    I have never,or at least have not seen that kind of traffic since I made the trip up the same highway a year or so with son John.   If I remember correctly, I told him it was a trip I would never make again, I was with four lanes of heavy traffic going seventy miles an hour through dense mist and teeming rain and huge trucks  and all sizes and  shapes of cars.    Some of the new cars are gray with red roofs or splashes of red on and around the headlights or bumpers.  Strange to see. You can just imagine how wonderful it felt to finally stop for a lunch break and get off the highway.  

We made it to Port Orchard at, or around six thirty, and I sighed with relief knowing I was not going to have to drive anywhere for a few days.    So here I am using Christine's computer calm, cool and collected as I know I do not have to get into the car and ride on route five.   

Christine is standing here over my shoulder  saying it really was not a bad ride . . . easy for her to say as she lives with heavy duty traffic when she goes to Seattle and rides with the 'herd' ;   as for me, Brookings traffic is about all I am used to and I may never fault it again.

We are off to enjoy the town and hopefully lunch at the Tea Room, one of my favorite stops.

Stay well, keep out of mischief.  I'll be back with more vacation news and pictures.    Be kind to one another,smile a lot today and pass out a hug or two while you are at it.   Hugs to all.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013








Isn't this a wonderful idea.   We all have old trees that could use a bit of charm and what could be more charming than growing some lovely flowers  within its trunk.  Looks like a basket.

Pat has a tool shed in her back yard.  Now I know where I can go when I get old. . . smile.

Christine introduced me to the Old Moss Lady and her pictures.  These came from that sight and there are so many more, all different , colorful, bright and beautiful.

A rainy Tuesday here and that is not bad at all.  It means we do not have to water today.    We are socked in and that means the house is cold this morning but not cold enough to put the furnace back on.   Hopefully it will clear and the sun might come out.  I haven't heard a weather report as yet.  My coffee is brewing, one eye is open and I am thinking about you and what to write that will make you feel bright eyed and chipper, up and ready to greet your new day.     Daughter Patricia arrived home last evening and called to say she'd be over this morning with news of her trip.    They  had their flight cancelled on the way back which didn't make it good news.   I don't think I had better mention airplanes or airports for awhile.   A ten hour lay over going and a cancelled flight coming back does not make touting the airline as the best way to travel these days.     I am anxious to see her and hear all about her vacation, so my coffee is ready to pour, the makings of some blueberry pancakes at the ready so all I need are the girls to arrive.  I'll talk with you all tomorrow and maybe share some of the tales.    Make your Tuesday a fun day.   Lighten the load and go out to lunch at your favorite spot.    Walk around the block and get a bit of exercise.    Call a family member or a friend or two and wile away some of those seconds in good company.   Smile with your eyes and don't forget verbal hugs are special when they come from you.    Hugs to all.

Monday, June 17, 2013

A walk on the beach

Christine and I rode up to Lone Ranch Beach, one of my favorite spots.   The pathway goes around
and circles by the river running into the ocean, through a narrow path and around an area of driftwood that is stacked high with huge blanched tree trunks along with pieces that make yard art and you want to take it all home.   This time of year the wild berry bushes are laden with beautiful blossoms.   It is going to be a bumper crop this year.

Christine posed on the bench for me.

Someone cut some fire wood and left some behind.  The yellow buttercups were colorful and sweet.


A few pieces of driftwood on the beach

Lots of folks out with their dogs.   This fellow loved to run into the waves and bring back a stick.

A lonely drifter in his kayak.

More wild flowers, more berries  coming.....lots of bees out and I was sure I had two or three when I snapped this picture.   

Christine and I enjoyed our walk down the pathway to the sea.     I never tire of this walk and if I do tire, there are tables and benches along the path where you can stop and just sit and look and listen.    It was fun to watch the families on the beach.    There was one youngster who wanted to fly his kite and he almost succeeded but was to lazy to keep running.   He wanted that kite to take off and when his mother held it up and told him to run, the kite went way up and would have kept going but he decided to climb a rock and the kite headed for the sand.    There were dog walkers and castle builders and some laying on the sand hoping for some sunshine.    It was bright and the marine layer had lifted some but the warm sunshine hasn't returned yet.    We enjoyed our walk on the beach and was ready for our movie when we got home.   We chose "Sahara" to watch;  a Clive Cussiler novel made into a movie.   It did follow the book to a point, but then the Hollywood version came to life and was actually laughable.   

I hope your Sunday was a good one and you found places to go and things to do with a special family member or a friend.  The weekend is meant to be yours so work on keeping it cool, calm and collected as the old adage says.     Keep Sunday your special day and enjoy each moment as it enfolds, take your camera with you and take pictures of the sights and sounds of your summer Sunday, and if it is in your back yard and you are having a bar-b-qu with friends, all the better as you share their hugs and smiles.  Hugs to all.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Special Day

Be it sunshine or shadows, celebrate Father's Day.

There is a day set aside
to honor dad, it's true
He earns a weekly wage
to keep his family
warm and safe
and buy the groceries too.

Sometimes he hardly knows
what is right or wrong
but does his best
to be right there for you.

Other dad's who renege
have no time for you
wrapped up in their fears,
and don't know what to do.

They stay away
and pretend
their happiness is well
but in their hearts
they know they're wrong
and wish they could break the spell.

So on this day, his special day
each child, must really think
about this man
who has spent his life
making life so good or bad
and take the time
to pray for him
so he can find his way
to be the very best dad
today and every day.

I wrote that story poem many years ago and still believe that all fathers deserve a break.  It would be easy if there were blueprints to show the way, but it is 'by the seat of the pants' that learning takes place and a life time of trying to become Father of the Year . . . and believe it or not, most make it...right to the top.    I have a special place in my heart for the surrogate fathers who spend a life time sharing their love to a needy child.    Special men who deserve extra praise.

So today remember that special man who gave all that he was capable of  in his caring and sharing of his love for you.   If he has gone on to greener pastures, light a candle in his honor and know he left a little of himself within you.    And . . . if he is still around "make his day" and have a sharing and caring day to remember for a life time.    Hugs to all.