Saturday, March 2, 2013

More Unusual

Another of the unusual pictures, this is of linticular clouds over South Georgia Island.     Isn't mother nature wonderful?  I think so.    We had linticular clouds in Nevada and they looked like a line of space ships coming over the Sierras.   They didn't have the depth of these.    Moving air, what would we do without it?  

Now this is really something else again;   a gap between Europe and the United States which widens an inch every year.  The British Scuba Diver is Alex Mustard, 36,  who dived  down eighty feet.  The gap is between Nuam and Eurasia showing fault lines, valleys, volcanoes and hot springs.    What a world we live in and how fragile it really is . . . or is it.? . . as it goes into its billions of years birthday.

This is a picture of a street in Moscow, Russia during a winter snow storm.   It reminds me of a story written by Dickens.  

Do you realize that you are going to have five weekends this month.    March isn't all bad.   It is a winter month and sometimes a transition month as it shows a little change towards Spring.   Right by the sidewalk in a tiny patch between my neighbor's yard and mine, there is a tiny bunch of yellow jonquils in bloom.   How lovely they are and what a lift to walk by and see them again this year.  Neither of us planted them so maybe we can thank those birds who are nested in the big hedge in back of the garage.   Now if I could only teach them to weed.  I am not sure I am thankful for the little pine tree planted between the properties.   It may grow to be a huge tree, yet I hesitate to pull it up as right now it is 'cute'... um, think I said that about another tree that is much to close to the fence and now to big to move.  
So today, the start of your weekend, make up your mind to relax and do a little bird watching.   We saw a tree filled with medium sized black birds yesterday squawking loud and flying to and from the tree as if to tell us there was something going on.  We never found out what as they settled in and stopped.  It really was strange.  I thought maybe earthquake, but didn't feel any.    We have been having a lot of them off the coast this winter.   Make up your mind to enjoy your seconds;   don't forget to turn on some charm, you have lots of it to share.    Hugs to all.

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