Monday, March 4, 2013

Bit of humor

Seems we do not get mail on Saturday or Monday ;  now if they would only come up with an idea on how to keep those pesky catalogs we'd have it made.

Free Speech . . .

Donaleo covered in mud, cannot find Erin although I am sure she is in the thick of it somewhere.   Mud baths, out door fun on a sunshine day , I think in Palermo, Italy.

Erin and Donaleo sitting on the Kings bed in the Old Kings Palace after a ten hour boat ride from Italy to Tunisia, Africa.  They have met up with some other world travelers and are enjoying the sights and sounds and the friendly hosts.    The only way to really see the world.  
It's Monday, all day, and a work day.    Laundry day, old habits die hard.    I had a good laugh this week hearing that the reason the ladies of today are carrying too much weight is because they do not do housework as their predecessors.   We old timers didn't have all of the modern conveniences for some time so it was just natural to get up and do whatever had to be done and the old wash on Monday, Iron on Tuesday, and the rest of the weeks chores, did keep us moving.   Yes, hanging clothes out on a line, hauling them back in, sprinkling them and getting them ready for the iron while we cooked our vegetables and picked our fruits , weeded the gardens, took care of the children and thought that making our husband's favorite dinner was the thing to do.     You know we didn't think a thing about it, it was our way of life and it was a good one.    We even found time to volunteer at church, at school and be of help where needed.    We just didn't have time to be bored.   Did we think of it as work, no . . . it was a way of life.  I, for one, was very happy to see the washing machine come into my life;   I thought I went to heaven and died when I had an automatic cleaning system in my stove.     Nylon was a blessing as it meant no ironing, although I enjoyed ironing and went through at least two covers a year as I pressed out my woes of the day.    We didn't have all the push buttons of today, but we are glad that you have them to make life a bit easier.    I wonder what is in store for the future!   
So today do your chores and grin and bear it.     Find time to try a new recipe and make a wonderful dinner tonight.   Turn on some music and hum along as you get ready for your new week.    Hugs to all.

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