Saturday, January 12, 2013


How about this for an idea for an  outside cooker;  great. . . all you need is a good size log and get to work.   Now do we get a slow burning log or a fast burning one . . . no temperature control, so will we have burned food or not . . um . . . maybe a cedar log would do the trick;  think I'll stick with my outdoor cooker although this does have so much appeal.   

Another mother and baby to admire.   Stripes, stripes, my eye balls are spinning, but worth it as the two are really beautiful. 

A young lady artist was doodling on her hands in boredom when all of a sudden she got an idea for new art and she came up with body art.   Pretty fancy stuff . . . hope it washes off.   Fun to look at but not my cup of tea.   I like my art on canvas and framed.

This makes me wonder where we can go to get exempted from the Obama care package.    It is scary as there is supposed to be a panel of twelve to decide on octogenarians and the like;   the doctors will have to decide whether we can or cannot have treatments...I'm sure they will say no to open heart surgery, or new knees, thinking 'at our age' we don't need to keep up with the world in general and even if this was right, it is frightening to think Big Brother rules the roost and we are so expendable. 

The majority of seniors have worked a life time, paid their insurance premiums for sixty years or better.   They earned their social security by paying into it along with their employers.   They followed the rules of the road, paid their income taxes without cheating and lived life the "American Way" but that is changing and they are being cheated out of a life time of paying their way.    It is a dishonor to these senior members of our society who are being penalized for being upright citizens.    Obamacare was passed by our leaders without taking time to read what was in the bill.    The surprise are going to come one right after the other and it wont be just the senior members who will pay a price.   Time will tell.

Meanwhile you have a weekend to find places to go and things to do.    You worked all week, so it is time to relax and catch up with yourself.     John is leaving this week and it is going to be very 'empty' around here.   I will miss him and have high hopes he will return soon again; maybe by Easter . . .hopefully.    Meanwhile I get my TV back and can watch my news and fore go "Bones" and I can get back to my light easy meals instead of the wonderful scrumptious crab feasts, turkey dinners and trips to Pancho's or the Hungry Clam.  I might loose those five pounds I regained, if I work hard.    All in all, no matter what, I am going to be very lonely with an empty house even if I can do whatever I want all by myself. . . . it is so much more fun to have my children here, for a day, a week or a month . . . what can I say, I enjoy their company, the hugs, the time we share and I wouldn't have it any other way.   So start planning a visit with your family members and don't forget the hugs and smiles.     Hugs to all.   

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