Sunday, January 13, 2013


Now here is a mom you wouldn't want to fool around with.   That is a cute cub sitting on her back.    You can bet she is very protective of her baby.    I like their fur coats and smiling eyes, or are they?  I wouldn't want to get to close to find out.     

Truer words were never spoken.    I have a comfortable chair and a good book going.    I am reading a Tom Clancy book for the first time.  I've stayed away because he is so technical in his writings but so far I have been able to hang in there and enjoy the story.   If he gets to technical I can always skim . . . I'm good at that . . . but, I am hoping it is a good story and I can cuddle up in my chair and wile away a few hours today . . . Sunday all day.

The Second Amendment is getting a lot of attention these days.    Gun control . . . an age old problem.   We need to be able to protect ourselves against an enemy, but do we have to have assault weapons to do it?    I personally think assault weapons should be used by our military men and women in war zones.   If you own a pistol or a rifle and someone breaks into your home to harm you, kill you, or steal your prize possessions, then shoot them but make sure you do the job right or you will most likely be sued to pay for medical expenses .   The scenario should not be; life is for the living and we should all be doing  We should be able to obey ten little commandments that would make life a joy instead of a sorrow.    How foolish we are not to pay attention to the Golden Rules that could make our lives a heaven on earth instead of the hell it is.

Debt, we are all in debt up to our eyeballs . . . trillions . . . I never heard that word before and cannot imagine owing a dollar of it.    Our current President loves to spend money as he says one thing and does another.    Vacations, trips, uses his Vice President, Joe Biden, to front for him while he goes on like there isn't a care in his world....there isn' is in ours.    It seems like it is time to hire a 'bookkeeper' and get the books straightened out, fire the chief spendthrifts and start living within a budget . . . budget a nasty word to our leaders, haven't had one in four years and that must be a new record.    There is an old adage about 'going to hell in a handbasket' . . . we are on our way.   
So today, do a little thinking about what is going on and start thinking about what you will write to your Congressional leaders.  Remember to add 'constituent' behind our name as that has a bit of clout;  they are up for reelection you know.    Some one use to say, 'out with the old, in with the new as it takes them awhile to get to know how to put their hands in our pockets' so give it a little thought and know you will have a chance to make changes in the future...hopefully men and women who will turn the tide and make America strong again.  Meanwhile life is for the living, so live a little today and do it with smiling eyes and spread a hug or two around.      Hugs to all.   

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