Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ho Hum!

Maxine . . . just has a way about her;  here she says, "mind works like lightening, one brilliant flash then it's gone. "  How true it is once you start into the octogenarian years and as they pass so does a lot of the mental  prowess.    First is it is a delayed word buzzing around the brain, lost but recaptured, and then it is a blank session in the  middle of a conversation....senility at its best.    But the brain is a muscle and it has to be exercised which means you have to use your words constantly, do puzzles and both jigsaw and crossword, read, read, read and stretch that mind every day. 

There are two thousand pieces of jig saw puzzle on my dining room table and they have been there for weeks.   It is slow going when you do not have room to put out all the pieces.   Jo has been a God send and has put in several hours and has found hundreds of pieces.     We work similarly but different in that I am one who lays the pieces out in order and in color combinations while she swoops them up in her hand and tries one piece at a time until she gets them in.   I put mine back where I pick them up from and she piles them in a spot to call their own, yet both work and the puzzle is coming to its end.  . . sad to say not before Jo leaves for home tomorrow.   I told her she couldn't go until the puzzle was finished and she told me I could talk to her boss about more time.   I hate to lose her as she has been special company and so nice to have around.

I wish Erin had been home sooner so she could have shown me more about pictures and blogs.   I couldn't pull some pictures up and thought it was because they were from a different type of camera but it turns out I had been adding a word or name to the pictures and the jpg was missing and if that is missing then no picture reproduction.   Live and Learn.    This was one of the pictures Bob and Andrea sent from Prescott, Arizona where they will be living come next summer.   They visited the town and saw all of the Christmas lights.   They were beautiful and Prescott had the true spirit of Christmas.    

So today, a day of rest, relax and enjoy the day . . . Sunday . . . it always has such a nice ring to it.   Pat and I go grocery shopping early to avoid the crowds and I am not sure what I want to put in the grocery wagon for this week.   I don't know about you but I feel like I've been stuffed and could be mounted to a wall . . . John is the chef of today and is taking us out to O"Hallerans for ribs tonight, a farewell dinner . . . soon I will be back to my empty nest.    It is both good and good to have the children home and share time, love and hugs, but they have to get back to their lives and I have to get back to my quiet times.    I have a few days of instructions coming up on the new flat screen TV and the player...two remotes to master with a sieve for a mind.    I want to know how to play the music...I have a new album by Matt Munroe, one of my favorite singers....and a new Andy Williams which will keep his voice alive.   Hopefully all this is taking place in your abode and you are counting your blessings and saying goodbye to those you love for a short time.  They will be back again as soon as they can, or maybe you can go and visit them when Spring comes and the sunshine with it.     Make today a sunshine day and smile with your eyes;  don't forget the hugs.     Hugs to all.

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