Friday, February 15, 2013

The Port

The Coast Guard boat was in a practice mode, must be a new driver for the little boat.   He or She moved the boat around in circles, brought it up to the dock and backed off, then went around again and again, then finally took off for the big waters.    Practice makes perfect.

The sunset was beautiful, the fishing boat was way out in the ocean and we could see the light from the boat.  The picture was taken out of a double paned window and I think a good shot.    We could see two suns in the window and thought for a moment the world was ending but it turned out the double paned window glass reflects the setting sun like that all the time, we just haven't been sitting in the Nautical restaurant looking out the window at sunset every day.   All I can say is two suns are one too many.    It must havea been the angle of that particular window as we have taken shots out of the restaurant window many times and have never seen two suns.    

Daughter Christine is working ;  I think the lap top is attached to her permanently.    She has been with us all week and it has been wonderful.   She fits us in around her busy time; working from home doesn't mean she has to stay put in her own home;  she can move around and take her 'desk' with her.    And, if you look over her shoulder on occasion you can see a scrabble game.  I got to play along and it was fun.

So today practice to make perfect, be it your health, your wealth  or your resolve to be the best you can be.     It is Friday and you know where that leads. . . a weekend coming up. . . here we have crocus shooting up, sunshine and seventy degrees yesterday and hopefully more today.    We have plans for a drive today so the camera is up and ready to pack, but first join me in a cup and start the day, preferably with a smile on your face and thoughts of good deeds.     Hugs to all.

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