Thursday, February 28, 2013


A Nevada moon.    I used to love coming down the  mountain side and rounding a curve to find a full moon just hanging as large as it could get over the mountain side.    It was always amazing to see the size of it  as it seemed to be right there and not a million miles away.     Remember the tune "moonlight becomes you" . . . I do.

This was on Angie's Facebook and I copied it.  A picture that was on the front page of the local newspaper and the caption had to do with it doesn't make any difference who or how we recognize our troops.    This is a real delight to see, such love and devotion to our troops.    

What a cute little owl.  I thought of "getting a little help from my friend" as it certainly didn't want to open its eyes.  

The very first day of March, 2013.    We are having a rainy day, no wind as yet, no big storm so maybe I can classify it as March coming in like a lamb.   Maybe where you are there is stormy weather and you have the lion by the tail.   March is March another winter month so we can expect to see it go by and herald spring....aah, now that is a nice beginnings, end of lent...yep, I'm wishing it away not so much for the sweets but a chance to play out where the garden grows.   If I had the stamina I'd dig up an area and plant some vegetables but I'd have to hire in someone who knew what they were doing and build it up so I wouldn't have to bend.    Does that sound strange to you?  Well when you become an octogenarian you will understand what bending is an exercise that doesn't work anymore unless you have a chair to lean on when you want to get up.   All I can say is I am glad no one is around with a camera.

The news from Erin is good.   She and Donaleo are exploring Sicily and then will take a ferry to Tunis.   She tells us they speak French and Arabic there, so she is brushing up on her French.   She tells of the city being run down and it reminded her of her trip to Cuba.   She finds in a multicultural city and says the night life on the main strips are very European with Italians chain smoking and drinking wine until four a.m.    She is finding out how others live and love, no hugs but a kiss on each cheek , so it can't be all bad.

I had my reading date with Russell, the ninety-five year old Wake Island veteran and we got into the story about the days after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and it was heart breaking.   We all read the newspapers and followed what was going on but had absolutely no idea of the depth of horror that was on going in Pearl Harbor.    The history is a wake up call on the horrors of war, mans inhumanity to man .   I read for almost two hours and found both of us were numb and should have and could have gotten up and taken a break but the story was much to interesting to leave and as it was I will miss some of it as someone else will read to him today.    I'll go back next week and see how close to the end of the book we are.    Linda tells me she has a lady that would like to be read to as she has very poor eyesight and cannot read anymore.  So I may have found something to do with a little time and am looking forward to making a new friend or two.

So celebrate the first of March . . . march out the door and find something to do that makes you smile.    Go . . . enjoy today, all day.   Hugs to all.


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