Thursday, February 28, 2013


A Nevada moon.    I used to love coming down the  mountain side and rounding a curve to find a full moon just hanging as large as it could get over the mountain side.    It was always amazing to see the size of it  as it seemed to be right there and not a million miles away.     Remember the tune "moonlight becomes you" . . . I do.

This was on Angie's Facebook and I copied it.  A picture that was on the front page of the local newspaper and the caption had to do with it doesn't make any difference who or how we recognize our troops.    This is a real delight to see, such love and devotion to our troops.    

What a cute little owl.  I thought of "getting a little help from my friend" as it certainly didn't want to open its eyes.  

The very first day of March, 2013.    We are having a rainy day, no wind as yet, no big storm so maybe I can classify it as March coming in like a lamb.   Maybe where you are there is stormy weather and you have the lion by the tail.   March is March another winter month so we can expect to see it go by and herald spring....aah, now that is a nice beginnings, end of lent...yep, I'm wishing it away not so much for the sweets but a chance to play out where the garden grows.   If I had the stamina I'd dig up an area and plant some vegetables but I'd have to hire in someone who knew what they were doing and build it up so I wouldn't have to bend.    Does that sound strange to you?  Well when you become an octogenarian you will understand what bending is an exercise that doesn't work anymore unless you have a chair to lean on when you want to get up.   All I can say is I am glad no one is around with a camera.

The news from Erin is good.   She and Donaleo are exploring Sicily and then will take a ferry to Tunis.   She tells us they speak French and Arabic there, so she is brushing up on her French.   She tells of the city being run down and it reminded her of her trip to Cuba.   She finds in a multicultural city and says the night life on the main strips are very European with Italians chain smoking and drinking wine until four a.m.    She is finding out how others live and love, no hugs but a kiss on each cheek , so it can't be all bad.

I had my reading date with Russell, the ninety-five year old Wake Island veteran and we got into the story about the days after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and it was heart breaking.   We all read the newspapers and followed what was going on but had absolutely no idea of the depth of horror that was on going in Pearl Harbor.    The history is a wake up call on the horrors of war, mans inhumanity to man .   I read for almost two hours and found both of us were numb and should have and could have gotten up and taken a break but the story was much to interesting to leave and as it was I will miss some of it as someone else will read to him today.    I'll go back next week and see how close to the end of the book we are.    Linda tells me she has a lady that would like to be read to as she has very poor eyesight and cannot read anymore.  So I may have found something to do with a little time and am looking forward to making a new friend or two.

So celebrate the first of March . . . march out the door and find something to do that makes you smile.    Go . . . enjoy today, all day.   Hugs to all.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I remember the first day I got a look at a computer room, huge machines that were really frightening.   We were going to learn how to use that big machine on our desk and we were going to cut our work time in half.  It sounded great and we were all anxious to take a turn but learned quickly that slash back sign was what we needed to know as if we went one step beyond we lost all our information.    I can still here Angie hollering across the room . . 'don't touch that key' ;  well, isn't that what keys are you lost your work, started over, and soon you were an expert until the changes came.

There are days I feel that that.    I'd be lost without my computer;  a gateway to the outside world of family and friends.   Six years of blogging and you haven't shut me off yet.  Um  . . . some folks just appreciate words.

I got a kick out of this true, amazing how words change in their meanings.

Aah, the first sip of coffee....I think I have one eye open.     It is 'hump' day or what we used to call 'mid-week' and it meant the end of the week was in sight.   How we rush our lives with thoughts of passing time quickly so we can get on with something else, rather than relax and enjoy the seconds as we get them.    The time to live is this second, not with thoughts wishing them away for future seconds that are yet to come .   I call it wishing our lives away.     We all do it.   Not a crime.   But, think a minute and realize how much we miss making this moment a special one.   Oh, it is okay to make 'future' plans and look forward to some good times, but not if it takes away the 'today' you have and are working on.   It only takes a second to change our world, so don't waste your seconds thinking about tomorrow, next week, next month, next year; live today and make it a memorable one.   Learn to smile with your eyes, bubble up and give those around you the 'essence of you'.  Hugs to all.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Jennifer, what lovely eyes you have.   Yes, I'd like to be sharing a cup of hot coffee with you.  It has been a very long time.   I think this should be your signature photograph . . . and a very good morning to you too.

A very good thought for today.   Just think about the words then go about the deeds . . . be alive, breathe, think and enjoy and share the love.....words to live by.

And we blame it all on bad eating habits.  Now we know.   As you get older you will find that you have to move . . . you cannot just sit and do a lot of nothing.  The muscles cry for use and it is good to get up out of the chair, leave the computer and go for a walk even if it is only around the house.     The computer is wonderful for many reasons but it is always not so wonderful for other reasons.   Remember your health is number one on your to do list so get up and move a little, or a lot.

Two weeks into lent and it is amazing how the body adjusts to no deserts, just good fruit, vegetables and a little meat.  I made a jean dish for dinner last night and daughter Pat came over to work on the puzzle with me for a little bit.   She said the house smelled so good, what was I cooking and I said a jean dish.  She wrinkled up her nose but decided she would join me with a small taste only to find it really was a comfort food.  I am one of those pinch and snip cooks who opens a cupboard door, looks around, and takes a pinch of this or that and experiments with a not very complex dish.  So get out your big black cast iron pan, cook a hamburger patty all chopped up with a bit of water in the pan;  let it cook as you add a few chopped up cabbage leaves; a few asparagus tips; brown tasty mushrooms, onions of course, add a shake or two of Worstershire sauce, cover and let simmer as you put some elbow macaroni to cooking and then make up a little cheese sauce to go on top of it all.  I throw a little cheddar cheese, milk and flour together.   Put it in a casserole dish and bake at 350 degrees for about twenty minutes and voila!!! a comfort dish with vitamins to build your body to a healthy and hardy future, just another baked macaroni dish.  It is pretty tasty so try it and you may find you like it.

So today, take time to share a favorite recipe with someone you love.    Healthy food should be enjoyed every day so you keep your body and your mind as it should be;  bright, alert, full of energy and all that comes around to feeling good and when you feel good you smile and when you smile you make someone happy and when they are happy you are happy . . . and your world goes on high tones as you hum or sing out loud being glad to be alive, alert and 'full of beans' as the oldsters use to say . . . sharing is good for you, uplifting,  be it food, laughter, hugs or a smile from your eyes.    Hugs to all.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Ah when it comes to sports . . . what can I say??   The current trend is to make football safer for the players.   So many have been injured for a life time and others have paid a price for playing the game.    It is a rough and tumble game and the players need all of the protection they can get;  maybe they should have a special word like "fore" in golf which helps to make the player aware.    They do, if I remember, 'hike',wonder what that was suppose to mean . . . duck, he is throwing the ball . . . well a sports fan I am not so I'll leave it to the experts.

A winter garden with a small sign of oncoming spring.    February leaving and March ready to come in, wonder what it will be like this year . . . in like a lamb or a lion?  We'll soon find out.   

The newspaper had a story about the high waves we were having at the Port.  We were told that storms were on the way but they never came in.  We had some raindrops, a lot of wind and thus the reason for the huge waves that came in.   I wrote a story poem about the waves awhile back . . .
Winter Waves

I sat beside the sea today
and watched the waves roll in
building five and six feet swells
cresting high and wide
to break upon the shore
releasing power in their stride.

The eerie mist hides the deep blue sky
and winds create
the power of the tide
it is gorgeous
it is beautiful
mixing the colors of the sea
how mysterious it can be.

I feel the misty rain upon my face
and breathe the clean salt air
challenging the wind
as it disturbs my hair,
my coat is wrapped around y legs
imprisoning me there.

I am a captive audience
to a sea both deep and wide
as I wait patiently
for a minus tide
and the treasures of the sea
that no longer hide.

So today as you begin your new week, think about all the blessings we can count and make today, and the rest of the week, one of an attitude change about weather.    We all have winter blahs, but if we look close enough we find many reasons to enjoy the weather be it on a slope skiing down a mountain side; or maybe hiking along in those skies in a meadow or field close by.    Now skating was fun, had weak ankles and didn't do very good, but I remember how much fun it was.   Hunting, ice fishing . . .lots to do and if you are not an outdoor person then enjoy the job you have to do today  because you can and you have one.   Soon we will all be complaining about 'hot' and wishing for a winter's day;  as the old folks would say 'never satisfied' so let's be 'satisfied' and make today a reason to celebrate . . . we'll call it . . . 'attitude adjustment day' . . . put a smile on your face, and not a grin and bear it one . . .one that lights up a room when you walk into it and open up those arms . . . give and get a hug or two.   Go, make yourself useful just because you can.   Hugs to all.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


How about this kind of advertising from an Australian Tourism website, a Signature Staff Photo.   I always thought I might like to visit Australia but I haven't found anything in the ad to convince me that I should go there.  I hear there are opals to just pick up off the ground and that was something I thought I'd like to go and do.    I think I've changed my mind.
And that is the truth.   Just know how much you have accomplished already and keep up the good work.  How are you doing for lent?   I hope you gave up something you really enjoy, but not someone you really enjoy.   A Cross Your Heart Photo sure makes for a sunshine day.
A picture from Nevada.   I miss the high desert and all that goes with it.    I may get to visit there again this year and I am looking forward to that.     Son Michael has a view from his place very similar to this.    They have enjoyed more cold and snow this year and that is a good thing as it makes for a much better water year.

So what are you going to do with your Sunday?     The sun is trying to come up against a very pale blue sky, just a tiny dark cloud or two, so maybe the big storm has bi passed us and I'll take a walk around the back yard and see what kind of jobs are waiting to be done.    The 'tea' tree on the side yard has sprouted into a round ball that looks like one of the hedgehogs.    The weeds have taken over in spite of the ground cover, pesky determined and growing faster than they need to.    I can see some beauty in them but not enough to allow a take over.    So today, take a look around your yard and see what kind of a list you have to make before you go to the seed store and start planning your garden this year.   I may buy one of those big half barrels and try a very small garden on the back porch where the sun comes in on occasion.   Here on the coast we see a lot of rain . . . wonder if there are seeds that love to grow in the rain.   Yeah , weeds. . . you are so funny, I can hear you in unison.
I'm off to watch my Sunday morning variety program and refill my coffee cup.   Aren't Sunday mornings wonderful, no rush, no hurry to get dressed, time for yourself and that is something we all need....that's what Sundays are all about...a day to rest.....join me and rest a little.   Hugs to all.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


When the storms whip up the ocean, here on the coast, we can expect to see some driftwood.  Sometimes the beaches are covered with huge trees and so much driftwood you cannot see much of the sand.   
In Arizona they have Javelins, or is it Javelinas,  roaming the gardens.  Bob and Andrea haven't told me if they have adopted any for prize pets . . . I don't think so.  I'm sure I wouldn't go out the door until they were long gone.

Some ingenious person thought to put a sticker on a hand dryer machine in a rest room.   Well, we all have to have our say one way or another, after all we do have Freedom of Speech still . . . so far I haven't heard anything to the contrary.
There was a quote I read yesterday with no one to give credit to . . ."Four boxes keep us free:  The soap box, the ballet box, the jury box and the cartridge box."   
So it is Saturday again, so fast, seems like we just started the month of February and it is already almost the end of it.   We see signs of spring as the yellow jonquils are raising up out of the ground.   How nice it is to look out and see a little bright color springing up out of the cold ground.   
I told you I have been reading to a ninety-five year old veteran of World War II and got stood up this week as he had a chance to visit the casino and off he much for a date with me....but I learned a lot about Wake Island and its history only to have an attachment come in yesterday about the celebration of the history of the China Clipper and it turned out to be the first airplane that was introduced to stop a the fuel depot that was build on the island.  If you would like to follow up on the stories, I copied the https.   Really informative and wonderful videos of  long ago events that must have been exciting to those who traveled from the United States to the Philippines.
http://vimeo,com/26086480 and
    So use a few of your seconds to enjoy a bit of history today.   I wish I could show these to our veteran as he would enjoy them.    I am hoping to catch up with him this week as I would like to know how the book ends too.  Wake Island was one of the stops and it was just a small dot on the Pacific ocean.   I wonder what it is like today, probably a vacation spot.   Enjoy your weekend, eat a hardy breakfast, get out for a walk around the block and then do some of the things you want to do on your weekend, no resting on your laurels, get out and do something fun.   Start with a smile in your eyes  and open up those arms and walk into a big hug.    Hugs to all.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Oh My

The newest tire for automobiles which sounds like a miracle of the century...look ma!  no more flat tires.

You have to have a chuckle over this picture.  It reminded me of a family I knew way back in my very early days.  A family I wanted to belong to because they always had so much love and laughter in their home.    Their were eight children and some did sleep three in a bed but it never did bother any of them as they went on to grow and glow in their world.   

How nice to see someone so helpful.   Gentle, kind and special . . . aah!!!
 Can you believe it is Friday already.   The days are flying by this February and a good thing as there is surprise snow in many places and stormy weather still in others.  February has been true to its original holdings of being one of the stormiest, coldest, and miserable months we have had in awhile with the exception of Valentine's Day which brings out the best in us.    It is such a wonder to be able to feel strong and deep emotions for those we really truly care about.    On the other hand, if you have family problems then take time to think about what it is you can do to help mend the fences.   We are all responsible for our own attitudes and behavior so if we have been causing strife and unhappiness then it is time to haul in the canvas, so to speak, and do something positive about your own attitude and change your world to one of calmness and love.     Life is short at best, so today start changing yourself into a dynamo of good will and love and see what develops with all who surround you.    Do not put yourself on hold . . . it is a waste of your time and those seconds move along faster than you can see or feel them.    Get on with living today and make this day a memorable one.    Don't forget it starts with a smile, add a hug or two and you have got it made.    Hugs to all.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Thunder and lightening shows up above and down below!

A President who is absent unless campaining.

The awesome twosome who come on like Mutt and Jeff and do a lot of nothing for our country . . .talk is cheap.

A truism.

Wonder where they sell these shirts.   I think we should all be wearing least half of the country.

Obama and Biden work up for the day.

Well it is Thursday and I am sulking over all the news that we hear about the play time of our leaders.  When will we see something positive come out of the economical mess we are buried in?  The America I grew up in was not perfect by a long shot,as we suffered through a depression, a war, followed by many more, yet we never once thought to be unpatriotic or undermine our country.   We worked at getting back on our feet and we respected our leaders.   Time changed as did the leadership of our country.   The churches;  the schools all went by the way side.    Good manners and dress became something to be ashamed of as manners, dress code and dignity went out the window.  He is working for change . . . I think we should be working to change that change.     So it starts with us . . . today is a good day to write your Congressman or Senator and share your views about the economy, jobs, and our hopes for the future.    It may not do a lot of good but it does make them think about upcoming elections.     Meanwhile put a smile on your face, do something good for yourself and add a little pinch of goodness for a friend or neighbor.    Hugs to all.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Our world from outer space.     I'd say we look like one of those collectible marbles.   I'd say we look pretty good for our age but oh so fragile.  The news of the meteor striking the earth in Russia this week was a wake up call.   One never knows what is in store for the day, so with that in mind, do a little something good for our earth today as you pick up your own trash and you recycle.

A sea of purple in Utah.    Even a desert can bloom.

This picture is beautiful and surprising as it is fractal patterns made out of dried desert rivers and reminds me of huge trees with feathery leaves.   It really is beautiful.    The pictures were a few of the winners of 2012 'best pictures'.  

I think I'll have to carry a stick of spaghetti with me when I go to light my candles.  Last time there was no 'sticks' so had to borrow from Peter to pay Paul...yeah, took a light from one of the alter candles that was shining bright.    It worked.   So you are all covered until I go up and light a few more to keep the blessings floating into our world.

Well here is or latest puzzle.  Pat and I worked hard on this one as it was absolutely nothing like the picture on the box.  We were flying blind on this one and it was such fun to do.  We found so many surprises.  Great fun.    Now we are on to another  mystery puzzle even though we never did solve the first one.   
 Wednesday, Hump Day, almost through February already, a week to go . . . the weather has been surprising as it is like spring one day and winter the next.  We were promised snow yesterday but only got a few raindrops and then not many.    The mountains did get some but then that is the lay of the land as we are on the coast and weather is different here.    Daughter Christine made it home just fine and left a big lonely hole behind.  She introduced me to scrabble on the computer but my computer is almost as old as me and it wont let the program stay on.  Sad, as I love to play scrabble.   I should buy a new computer but then I'm afraid it would be out of tune before it was set up.    Nothing seems permanent anymore.   Constant updating is very expensive.   I don't know how everyone keeps up with this modern buying age . . .as an octogenarian I remember when you bought something like a stove or refrigerator and it was still in top condition twenty years later.   You can't say that about the merchandise of today.   We have become a throw-a-way world and I have a dozen yard sale items to prove it 

I had a phone call from Joyce in Ecuador and she has promised to send pictures so we can catchup with her new move.  She has moved from a city to a small village and has over a  hundred fruit trees surrounding her little rental.   He husband Ken has been moved to a new apartment sized building for those with Alzheimer's and Joyce says the care is really great.    She has learned a lot of Spanish and is getting along fine, and has her two dogs to keep her company.    She sounds happy and that is the best news of all.

I hope you are happy today and find ways to contact those you love.    A call, a note, a text message on your new gadget and you will make someone happy today . . . now that is a goal for each of us . . . let us see how many we can make smile today . . . thinking of YOU makes me smile.   I'm off to a good start so join me.    Hugs to all.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


How true!   Now this is a few good words to make you think.  When you meet up with folks keep the words in mind and you may make a brand new friend or two.    We need people in our lives as they help to make our world go around.  Of course you will find a few who think they are perfect but then that is only for show.  They have their insecure moments just like the rest of us so be ready to open up those arms and give someone a hug today.

I believe the words came from Happiness's photo which I found when I checked Facebook out yesterday.   A great truism and I hope I succeeded in making my children feel this way;  in fact I know I do as I am still driving them crazy.

I love this one.    I think I'm in very good company.  How about you?

The weather is rearing up again and it seems to be in a quandary as to whether to go for Spring or back to Winter;  the weatherman said 'snow' for us today.    I think the old folks call this pneumonia weather as you go from hot to cold and back again so you are dressing up or down and picking up a chill.  So be wise, dress accordingly and stay healthy and happy.  I'll leave you with a few words from Andy Rooney who had a way with words and died at the age of 92.  Pick up one of his books and you will laugh your blues away.    He covered subjects that affect us on a daily basis . . . "I've learned the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person." . . . "I've learned . . . That when you're in love, it shows." and "I've learned . . . That just one person saying to me, "You've made my day!" makes my day.  There are more so I'll save some for another day.    Say enjoy your today and use your words wisely for some one person will feel you have made their day.  Hugs to all.  

Monday, February 18, 2013

Weekend Fun

So nice to have someone to rescue you when the need is great.

So nice to be able to express yourself when the need is great.

So nice to be able to see something so natural and wonder.

I love this one.     I hope you all had a wonderful and loving Valentine Day, as for me I was up in Coos Bay with my two daughters and spent a couple of days.    The ride up the coast was beautiful, almost like spring as the sun was out, the roads clear and the views spectacular as usual.    Yes, I did leave the camera on the dining room table, where I put it so I wouldn't forget it.     Did I miss a shot or two, you betcha!    One morning there was a huge black cloud and I was sure it was going to change and be nasty all day, but much to my surprise the cloud slowly turned into a cloud rainbow as the sun decided to come up and shine through.  It really was a gorgeous array of colors much like a flat rainbow;  such a sight to see.  
Our free room was on the third floor just a few steps from the elevator.    The new machines were fun to play and it meant winning and losing and losing and winning without breaking the personal bank.    It was crowded and noisy and people were friendly and out having fun.     We had our free tickets to see "The Coats" and wondered what the show was going to be like.    It turned out to be fantastic and fun as four men came on stage in coats and did not have an instrument at all;  only their voices and each one had a great voice.  They sang acappello, tunes from the fifties, a bit of be-bop,  a bag pipe tune that was hysterical, the familiar "Bridge over troubled waters" and some tunes they wrote themselves.  They had such a good time on stage we couldn't help but have a good time right along with them.  So if you hear "The Coats" are playing near you, don't hesitate as they put on a fun show.   
We had dinners in the Plank House and our favorite window seat over looking the bay.   We had one dinner in the bar just before we were due to go to the show and went in late so just ordered a plank salad and some of those little brochette sandwiches that are so tasty.  The salad was huge so we shared it.  I swear it could feed a family of four without a second thought. 
So this morning my memory banks are overloaded with the beautiful ocean views as you drive down 101 on the Oregon Coast.     The stacks are big and make me wonder how they got out into the ocean, all sizes and shapes, some named and some with shapes you can give  a name.       The ocean was as smooth as silk and the whales were going by but we never did see a spout.    There was only one area with a stop for road workers but no one there as they must have had the Presidents Holiday off.   All in all we ladies had a great mini vacation and are looking forward to meeting up again soon.    So don't hesitate to find a family member or two, or a friend or two, and make plans for a weekend away from all the 'usual' in your life.     Make some 'unusual' and go for it with a song in your heart, love shining from your eyes and a chance to kick up your heels and give yourself a treat. . . it is good for the heart and the soul.     Hugs to all.

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Port

The Coast Guard boat was in a practice mode, must be a new driver for the little boat.   He or She moved the boat around in circles, brought it up to the dock and backed off, then went around again and again, then finally took off for the big waters.    Practice makes perfect.

The sunset was beautiful, the fishing boat was way out in the ocean and we could see the light from the boat.  The picture was taken out of a double paned window and I think a good shot.    We could see two suns in the window and thought for a moment the world was ending but it turned out the double paned window glass reflects the setting sun like that all the time, we just haven't been sitting in the Nautical restaurant looking out the window at sunset every day.   All I can say is two suns are one too many.    It must havea been the angle of that particular window as we have taken shots out of the restaurant window many times and have never seen two suns.    

Daughter Christine is working ;  I think the lap top is attached to her permanently.    She has been with us all week and it has been wonderful.   She fits us in around her busy time; working from home doesn't mean she has to stay put in her own home;  she can move around and take her 'desk' with her.    And, if you look over her shoulder on occasion you can see a scrabble game.  I got to play along and it was fun.

So today practice to make perfect, be it your health, your wealth  or your resolve to be the best you can be.     It is Friday and you know where that leads. . . a weekend coming up. . . here we have crocus shooting up, sunshine and seventy degrees yesterday and hopefully more today.    We have plans for a drive today so the camera is up and ready to pack, but first join me in a cup and start the day, preferably with a smile on your face and thoughts of good deeds.     Hugs to all.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day

Faces from Carnival in Venice . . . Erin and Donaleo had a chance to see the parade of beauties.   

Thoughts . . . Words . . . Deeds, a wonderful chance to share YOU with your loved ones.    A special day to open up those arms and share a lot of hugs.   Considered yourself hugged.    Go . . . have a great day , giggle, laugh out loud and share a valentine or two be it a call, a card or text or a tweet . . . Hugs to all.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday

Brian Berg is a card stacker.  He doesn't use glue  or tricks, just stacks the cards and creates unimaginable and clever reproductions of beautiful cathedrals and cities or whatever comes to mind.  He has hands like magic as I cannot put three or four cards together and have them stand;  I've tried that more than one in my lifetime.    

Well today is Ash Wednesday the start of forty days of fasting and behaving oneself to get ready for Easter Sunday and new beginnings.    Here's your chance to change your ways, if you so desire....and a lot of us should desire....maybe work on a better disposition;  or maybe practice how to be a friend, or even a bit more generous and loving.  Only you can decide what it is you need to do for yourself but this is a good time to really put on your thinking cap and get busy to 'behave' for the next forty days.

The trick is to give up what you really enjoy and see if you can do it....if you are successful then you will find that you have a new understanding of who you are and what you can accomplish in what really is a very short time;  of course it feels like forever, but, you can do it....think now of something to give up for lent . . . and do it. Good luck.....try it, you might find that you have a lot more stamina and are a lot braver than you think.  It isn't easy but then that is what makes you stronger when you succeed and you will . Today is the starting day . . . let's do it!   Hugs to all.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

And the sun was shining in the morning but oh what happened in the afternoon . . .

Pictures from Andrea and Bob showing a surprise snow storm in the desert of Arizona.  Yes, they went for a walk and enjoyed it as they remembered like days when they lived in the Sierras.    

Our friend John M. received this picture from his friend.   Can you imagine opening your door to this?   Wonder how long it took him to dig out.

A satellite picture of Lake Tahoe from space.    a real gem, so beautiful and this year covered in snow.  the storms have been many this year so the water supply will be good come summer.    I kind of think of a big foot print as I look at the picture, a little like Big Foot.

Moonalice has a way with pictures and words.      Finally one  that fits me.   

So today, if you are feeling normal, good . . . if not that isn't all bad either . . . enjoy your weather patterns as there really is nothing you can do about it.  '  Let a smile be your umbrella '  and hum your day away, or get out the shovel and make that stingy path a bit wider so folks can pass bye.    Just remember it just doesn't last forever and soon you will be watching the yellow jonquils popping up right through the snow.     Don't forget to go out and buy some valentines and make  those special people in your life know how much you really do care . . . something we should do every day even if cupid is not around to remind us.     How lucky I am to have YOU to care about . . . wouldn't have it any other way.     Hugs to all.