Thursday, December 27, 2012

Three Beauties

Daughter Christine with her new yard art.  She is a collector of dragons and she sure made a loud squeal when she opened her big box and saw this one.    She also has a big black bear for her porch telling all to wipe their paws....

Daughter Patricia in her new warm vest. 

Granddaughter Erin was resting up after all the excitement. 

So today, Thursday after Christmas and before the New Year weekend . . . hang up that new calendar and get ready to
celebrate the New Year in.   It will be interesting to find out what this new year will have in store for us.   We haven't gotten over celebrating Christmas yet as there are left overs to be used up and all the 'goodies' are just spread out and, if the truth be known, I think we all spread out a bit more.    The turkey was juicy and tender;  the side dishes were tasty and devoured.    The gifts were still coming in yesterday and I had a lovely surprise as Bob and Andrea saw to it that I have a new bird house.    Bob made it himself out of wine corks  and it is going to be out on the back porch hanging from the big iron hook Christine gave me for hanging plants.   Hopefully a new bird will find a home and babies will be born in it.    Judy sent me a tiny bird on a long wire to house in my plants and a new tablet for keeping track of my to- do's or wants or needs.   And. . . I have new shoes from my niece who has a SAS shoe store near her and when she heard we had no shoe store and my tuneful cry about my worn out shoes, she just went out and had a pair of walking shoes sent to me...and they fit....and they look so good and I have to admit feel good too.   

If you are surrounded by loving family and friends, be sure you count your blessings and make sure you let them know how much you appreciate their love and kindness . . . I am blessed.   Time to think about a New Year, New Year resolutions you may or may not keep and your health has to be a number one priority.    You cannot be happy if you are not healthy so work on that one day as it comes.    Test your smile in the mirror each morning and make sure that it comes from the heart and shows through the eyes.     Flex those muscles and exercise so you can open them up and let someone or two or a dozen walk into them and get those hugs that make you feel like the world is your oyster.    Practice your list of good thoughts and deeds you are going to master this year and join the candle lighters of the world and make the light shine so we will find our way.  Improve your skills and be proud of them.   And, it doesn't hurt a bit to add a new friend or two.     Go, use your seconds wisely . . .live . . .love and laugh.    Hugs to all.

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